Bulletin Number Five 1984

(f) HK$7,770 from Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. (29) From ICI (China) Ltd. a donation of HK$5,830 in support of a lecture organized by the Micro biology Department. (30) From the Croucher Foundation: (a) HK$550,000 in support of the develop ment of courses leading to the Master's Degree in translation; and (b) HK$19,232 and US$315 for travelling and overseas conference expenses for Dr. K.M. Chan, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (31) From Friends of The Chinese University Art Gallery of Hong Kong adonation of HK$ 10,000 to renovate the Art Gallery. (32) From Hang Seng Bank Ltd. a donation of HK$20,000 for student extracurricular activities for 1984-85. (33) From Mr. Alan Ho a donation of HK$1,160 towards the Diploma Course in Management for Executive Development. (34) From S.H. Ho Foundation Ltd. a donation of HK $2,000,000 for the extension to the Madam S.H. Ho Hostel for Medical Students. (35) From The Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong —K .N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund adonation of HK$26,000 for Students' Programmes for 1983-84 , and HK$25,000 for 1984-85. (36) From Dr. Stephen S.F. Hui a donation of US$2,500 for the second International Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture. (37) From IBM (HK) World Trade Corporation a donation of HK$15,517 for air passage of a visiting lecturer of the 1984 International Summer School. (38) From Mr. Eric Mok a donation of HK$2,000 towards the research/conference travel expenses of the Department of Medicine. (39) From Schmidt & Co. (HK) Ltd. a donation to sponsor the visit of Professor W.M.C. Martin, Department of Clinical Oncology, to the Affiliated Tumor Hospital in Guangzhou, China. (40) From the Sino-British Fellowship Trust a donation of HK$ 102,700 to support the academic exchange programmes. (41) From Special Trustees of the Royal Free Hospital a donation of HK$6,979 as a partial contribution towards Professor Baron's travel expenses to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. (42) From the Travenol Far East Pte. Ltd. a donation of US$1,475 in support of staff training for the Department of Medicine. (43) From Vita Company: (a) HK$3,000 towards the staff training/ conference expenses of the Department of Medicine; and (b) HK$3,000 for sponsoring Dr. Joseph W.C. Leung, Department of Medicine, to attend the second Workshop on Operative Digestive Endoscopy. (44) From various donors a number of donations and gifts to Chung Chi College from 31st March to 31st August, 1984 amounting to HK$980,035. (45) From various donors a number of donations and gifts to New Asia College from 1st October, 1983 to 31st July, 1984 amounting to HK$118,000. (46) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden four units of Devibiss Ultrasonic Nebulizer Model Pulmo- Sonic complete set with standard accessories for the Department of Paediatrics. (47) From Mr. and Mrs. Au Yeung Chak-nam a donation of HK$20,000 for the purchase of a standard PHOT 2 Zeiss Microscope for the Department of Paediatrics. (48) From Mr. Lam Chun-hop an IBM Personal Computer with software for research and patient management in the Renal Unit of the Department of Medicine. (49) From Organon (HK) Ltd.: (a) twenty boxes o f Neo-Pregnosticon 75 Duoclon in support of a research project carried out by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; and (b) HK$8,000 for urine containers, stationery and a data storage system. (50) From Mr. Ba Jin 1073 books. (51) From Ms. Yeh Chung-min nine books from the collection of the late Mr. Yeh Ling-feng. Corrigendum The first line of the article on ‘Chinese Arts Festival', appearing on page 4 of the last issue, should read: 'The opening o f the Chinese A rts Festival happened to be on the 27th September,‘