Bulletin Number Five 1984

I I. P rom o tio n s Academic Staff Faculty o f Arts Dr. Thomas H.C. Lee Senior Lecturer in History Dr. Yuen Ting-cheuk Senior Lecturer in Chinese Language & Literature Faculty o f Business Administration Mr. Lo Wing-chun Lecturer in Marketing & International Business Faculty o f Science Dr. Lam Yat Wah Professor of Electronics Dr. Choy Yuen-min Reader in Biochemistry Dr. Lai King-fai Reader in Mathematics Mr. Henry C.P. Lam Lecturer in Computer Science Faculty o f Social Science Dr. Leung Yee Senior Lecturer in Geography Mr. Jeremiah K.H. Wong Lecturer in Government & Public Adminis­ tration Administrative Staff Mr. Jacob Leung Senior Assistant Secretary, Personnel Section Mr. Yip Chi Ying Senior Assistant Secretary, Personnel Section Mr. Ng Lai-hung Engineer, Buildings Office I I I. Reg rad ing Dr. Alan Siu Kai-fat Lecturer in Economics IV ,R e tir em e n ts Mr. T.C. Lai Director of the Department of Extramural Studies Mr. J.B. Gannon Senior Lecturer in English Mr. Wang Ning Lecturer in English Gifts and Donations As a manifestation o f their confidence in this Univer sity's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's physical development programme, research projects, publication project, fellowship and scholarship schemes , and have presented the Univer sity with equipment. The University has recently received the following gifts and donations: (1) From the following contributors donations towards the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Fund: (a) HK$50,000 from the D.H. Chen Founda tion; (b) US$500 from the Centre for Chinese Medicine; and (c) US$20 from Dr. Moon-Aung Wu. (2) From Chartered Bank an annual donation of HK$21,000 for three Chartered Bank Scholar­ ships with effect from 1983-84. (3) From the Croucher Foundation a donation of HK$120 , 000 in support of the Croucher Foundation Bursary Fund for 1984-85. (4) From Dataproducts Components (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$5,000 for a bursary fund in 1983-84; and (b) HK$5,000 for two annual scholarships of HK$2,500 each with effect from 1984-85. (5) From Friends of The Chinese University Art Gallery of Hong Kong adonation of HK$45,000 for the establishment of two Fine Arts Scholar ships at HK$ 10,000 and HK$5,000 annually for three years with effect from 1984-85. PERSONALIA/GIFTS AND DONATIONS 31