Bulletin Number Five 1987

On his return to Hong Kong, he was appointed Lecturer in Computer Studies at Hang Seng School of Commerce in 1982. He joined the Department of Computer Science of this University as Assistant Lecturer in September 1983 and was offered the post of Lecturer in August 1987. Mr. Lee is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the British Computer Society. His major research interests lie in the areas of intelligent computer-assisted learning systems, and expert systems. He has published articles in academic periodicals, and presented papers, related to computer- assisted software, in a number of local and international computer science conferences. Dr. William Scheela Lecturer, Department of General Business Management and Personnel Management Dr. William Scheela is a Lecturer in the Department of General Business Management and Personnel Management. Dr. Scheela holds a PhD in Strategic Management from the University of Minnesota in the United States. He is currently on sabbatical leave from Bemidji State University which is a state university located in northern Minnesota. Dr. Scheela's primary research interests are in manufacturing strategy and entrepreneurship. He is currently gathering data on these two topics by conducting field studies in Japan and Hong Kong. Dr, P.C. Shaw Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry Dr. P.C. Shaw graduated from the Biology Department of this University with first class honours in 1981 and received the Cheng Ming Award of the New Asia College. In 1983, after obtaining a master of philosophy degree from the Biology Division of this University, he was awarded a Croucher Foundation Scholarship to pursue his doctoral studies under the supervision of Professor B.S. Hartley, Director of the Centre for Biotechnology, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. His research was to develop a host-vector system for Arthrobacter, a bacterial species in the sweeteners industry; to purify its glucose isomerase protein and to clone the gene. From 1987, he stayed on in the same College as a postdoctoral fellow and succeeded in the cloning of this glucose isomerase gene. After joining The Chinese University, his main research interest is in the molecular cloning and analysis of biotechnologically interesting genes and protein engineering; for example, the molecular cloning of abortifacient proteins in Chinese herbs and their protein engineering. He is also interested in the promotion of applications of biotechnology in Hong Kong. Dr. Daniel T.L. Shek Lecturer, Department of Social Work Daniel T.L. Shek is a psychologist who holds the degrees of BSocSc (University of Hong Kong) and PhD (University of Hong Kong). Before joining the University, Dr. Shek taught at the University of Hong Kong (1979-1984) and City Polytechnic (1984-1987 ), and was an Honorary Research Associate of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Hong Kong (1984-1985). Dr. Shek has acted as research consultant to a number of projects initiated by the YWCA of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Christian Service, Hong Kong Telephone Company, Heep Hong Society for Handicapped Children and the Association of Psychological and Educational Counsellors of Asia. Dr. Shek is a member of the Information and Research Committee, Central Committee on Youth, the Advisory Committee of the Breakthrough Counselling Centre, and the Executive Committee of the Heep Hong Society for Handicapped Children. He has presented numerous papers at international conferences, and has numerous publications on internationally referred journals and books. Dr. Shek's research interests lie in the areas of psycho- physiology, cognitive psychology, Chinese social behaviour and mental health, applications of computers and quantitative methods in psychology, psychological and motor aspects of Chinese language and organizational/industrial psychology. 22