Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 8 Mar 1972

Cello Centre in London. A year later he won a scholarship to the Casals summer school in Portugal wher e he attended the classes of Prof. E i s e n b e r g o f t he J u l l i a rd S c h o o l o f M u s i c o f N e w York. I n subsequent years he attended the Paris Conservatoire Summer School in Nice, where he had lessons w i th Bernard Michelin, and the International Cell o Centre's school in Austria. Mr. Medlam played professionally in L o n d on and in Europe w i t h the Camerata Academica Orchestra of Salzburg and was at one time leader of the cello. Mr. Thomas J. Pniewski, Tutor Mr. Thomas J. Pniewski g r a d u a t ed f r o m P r i n c e t on University, studying Frenc h literature and completing a thesis on three middle comedies of Moliere. During that period he studied organ w i t h Carl Weinrich, continuing his studies after graduation at the College of Wooster, Ohio. He went to Cornell University in the fall of 1967, beginning graduate studies in musicology. Mr. Pniewski was a Teaching Fellow at Cornell f r om 1968 to 1969, and is presently Princeton-in-Asia Tu t or in the Music Department of Chung Chi College. With these new appointments, it is possible for the Department to strengthen its programme at the Department o f Extramural Studies, to arrange talks by visiting musicians at the Department and to make the concerts of the Chung Chi Chamber Ensemble more impressive and successful. Certificate Course in Music in the Department of Extramural Studies The Staff of the Music Department, recognising the general need in Hong Kong for instruction in music of a certain k i nd and at a certain level, started evening classes in music in the Department of Extramural Studies in January 1971. Th e idea was to run a Course which wo u ld embrace as much of the discipline of music as possible in the limited time available. I t is a two-year course, and during the t wo years students have courses in Harmony and Counterpoint, Fo rm and Analysis, History of Western Music, Aural Training, Conducting, Orchestration, and Style and Interpretation. The response to this course has been most encouraging, and it is hoped that one of the results may be a rise in the effectivenes s of some of the music teaching in the schools in Hong Kong. Visits of Musicians The Department encourages visitin g musicians to come to Chung Chi Campus to meet and talk w i th the students. Recently the pianist Fou Ts'ong, in Hong Ko ng for t wo concerts, one w i th a specially selected orchestra of local musicians, visited the Department and gave a most inspiring talk to the music students. I t is hoped that next year Mr. Fou might come once again to renew this rewarding link w i th the aspiring musicians of Hong Kong. Chung Chi Chamber Ensemble In 1970 the Ensemble was started in a small way, and t o ok part, playing a Mozart Piano Quartet, in a Faculty Concert in the City Hall in February 1971. Since then three new appointments have been made, and the three members of staff play the violin, the cello and the harpsichord. This has considerably strengthened the Ensemble, and now bigger and more ambitious works are played. The most recent concert, which was played b o th on the Campus and in the City Hall Concert Hall, consisted of three works, a Haydn Cembalo Concerto w i th strings, the second String Quartet by Borodin, and the Piano Quintet by Shostakovich. Most of the rehearsals take place in the Music Department, so that the music students have a fine opportunity to become really familiar w i th some of the outstanding works of the Chamber Music repertoire. The performances of the Ensemble have also encouraged the playing of chamber music by the students, thus widening their knowledge and experience of what music is all about. — 4 — 生先霖德麥 Mr. Charles S.Medlam 生先祺世紐 Mr. Thomas J. Pniewski