Bulletin Number Five 1984
conference has become an extremely meaningful event o f the College. The Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellows Programme was established last year, enabling the College to invite distinguished scholars to come here to lecture, and to discuss with teachers and students freely topics in their specialized fields. Among those who have been invited to the conference and the Programme are Professor Chen-ning Yang, Nobel Laureate in Physics, and Professor Tsung-yi Lin, an authority in Psychiatry. ( 2 ) Regu l ar meeti ngs and assemblies During the regular luncheon meetings organized by the College Life Committee, members of staff or outside guests are invited to talk on various topics, such as social issues, art appreciation, etc. Of similar nature are the Tolo Nocturne gathering and Long Men Zhen , organized by the Student Life Committee. Above all, there is the Weekly Assembly, which is held every Friday at the Chapel, and is often attended by over a thousand staff and students. Indeed, all these meetings and assemblies are held with an aim to broaden the students' perspective. ( 3 ) Soci al educat ion A new policy on hostel allocation was intro duced in 1983-84, providing every student an opportunity to live in a hostel for at least one year during their four-year study. In the past, students who lived not far away from the campus or in spacious homes were usually not allocated a place in the hostels, because the total capacity of student hostels can only cater for the need of half of the Chung Chi students. With the implementation of the new policy, every student has a chance to live in a hostel, in which students may cooperate with one another and establish good interpersonal relations. ( 4 ) Su pp o r t f o r s t uden t acti vities Student activities constitute an important part of university education. Participation in student activities is very rewarding, both physically and intellectually; and through the planning and organizing of such activities, students are able to gain much practical experience and cultivate the virtue of serving others. To encourage students to organize more diversified activities, the College not only gives the students bodies financial support but also provides them with the necessary equipment, facilities and the needed space. In addition to the Student Union, Chung Chi students have also organized more than twenty departmental societies, interest groups, etc. Among the many activities of the College, the Founders' Day Dinner, which is attended by over a thousand staff and students and held at the Lingnan Stadium every year, is a special feature of Chung Chi's campus life. Moreover, Chung Chi students are allowed to sit on many College Committees: more than two-thirds o f the College Committees have student members. By including them in the various committees, the College intends to encourage students to participate in its policy-making process and to develop a democratic spirit among students. ( 5) Schol arshi ps and exchange p rogr ammes The College spares no efforts in helping those students with financial difficulties or family or personal problems to continue their studies without disruption. Apart from Government Grant and Loan, various types of scholarships and grants are also offered by the College. Moreover, the College has made available some research funds to those students who undertake research during the summer vacation, and set up academic creativity awards to encourage students to engage in quality research or other creative pursuits, individually or in group. Chung Chi students may also take advantage of the exchange programmes established between the College and universities in the U.S.A. and Japan to study for a year in an overseas institution. The College has also placed great emphasis on staff development. In recent years grants have been awarded to teachers to assist them to further their studies, carry out research, attend conferences abroad and participate in cultural exchange activities. Being a Christian College, the Chaplain's Office provides spiritual guidance for its staff and students and organizes various religious activities for them. However, members of the College are not required to accept the Christian faith or adopt any theological stand. At present, about one-third of the students are Christians. The provision of theological training is another characteristic of Chung Chi College. Since 1957 religious education and theological training have been part of its academic programme, and the Division of Theology has established itself as an academic organization of high standard. The Theological Council of the Division of Theology is responsible for the formulation of academic and administrative policies for theological education and practical training for ministry. The College publishes weekly a bilingual Campus Newsletter and annually the College Hand book and The Chung Chi Bulletin, which reports College activities, news and views in Chinese and English. 18 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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