Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999
• Prof. L i u Pak Wai, pro-vice-chancellor and professor of economics, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star of the HKSAR on 1st July 1999. • Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee, f o rme r dean o f m e d i c i n e a n d p r o f e s s o r of m o r b i d anatomy, was presented the Gol d Meda l and Certificate, the highest award of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP), f or his ' o u t s t a n d i n g c o n t r i b u t i on t o international pa t ho l ogy education an d research' at a ceremony held i n June 1999. LAP is an i n t e r n a t i o n a l o r g a n i z a t i o n primarily concerned w i t h the education of pathologists. • Prof. A l e x a n d e r Molassiotis , assistant professor in the Department of Nursing, was c on f e r r ed the a w a r d of Em i n e n t Scientist of the Year 1998 by the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the I n t e r n a t i o n al Research Promotion Council (IRPC) for his wo rk i n the field of health care and nursing. IRPC is a non-profit international organization started i n 1993 to promote and encourage research activities in science and medicine. Outstanding Achievements of CUHK Students Another Rhodes Scholar from CUHK Daniel T.Y. Hui, a graduate studen t of the University, has been chosen as this year's Rhodes Scholar f r o m H o n g Kong. He graduated w i t h first class honours in his BA studies i n English at C U H K a n d c omp l e t ed h i s M A studies i n Applied English Linguistics i n June, and w i l l be leaving for the U K to start his M.Phil, studies i n general linguistics and comparative philology at Oxford University i n October 1999. Daniel has maintained consistently outstanding academic performance throughout his academic career, and is an outgoing y oung man of great integrity. T h e R h o d e s S c h o l a r s h i ps w e r e established i n 1902. Since 1985, one H o n g Ko n g student has been honoured w i t h the award each year. Daniel is the third CUHK student to have w o n the award i n four years since 1996. Computer Programming Champion Engineering students f r om the Un i v e r s i ty w o n the eighth Association for Compu t i ng Ma c h i ne ry ( ACM ) H o n g K o n g Scholastic P r o g r amm i ng Contest and the Compu t er Chinese Checkers Competition hel d in June 1999. The members of the programming team w h o c a p t u r ed the c h amp i o n s h i p we r e computer science and engineerin g students Justine Wan, Kwo k Chi-leong, and Wong Ho- yin. They were required to write programs on the spot to solve as ma n y problems as they could w i t h i n three and a half hours. The t e am also r e p r e s e n t e d H o n g K o n g t o participate i n the A C M Far East regional programming contest held i n Bangladesh i n November 1999 and came first among a total of 34 teams. They w i l l automatically qualify for the A CM / I C P C Wo r l d Finals to be held i n Orlando, Florida, i n Marc h 2000. Kenny Lam, a Ph.D. systems engineering and engineering management student, w o n f i r s t p r i z e f o r the t h i r d t i me i n t h r ee consecutive years i n the Computer Chinese Checkers Competition. H e had to w r i t e a p r o g r am w h i ch was p l a y ed against other programs i n the competition. Brilliant Student Investors Em i l K.Y. Wong , an M B A student of the University, w o n the University Elite Investor Compe t i t i on organized b y the Hong Kong Economic Journal in June. Two BBA students L a i Ch i - h o a n d Yuen Ch i - l o k also w o n outstanding prizes. The three students were N e ws in Brie f 49
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