Bulletin Number Five 1984
- a lecture on ‘Macroeconomic Modelling' by Professor Kenneth F. Wallis of the Univer sity of Warwick, U.K. on 30th October. — a lecture on ‘The Long-Run Behaviour of the Velocity o f Money' by Professor Lars Jonung of the University of Lund, Sweden on 2nd November. — a seminar on ‘Government Deficits, Stabili zation and Deficit Financing' by Dr. Ho Luk -sang, Lecturer in Economics of this University on 30th November. * Professor Huang Jun of the Foreign Languages Department, Jinan University, Guangzhou conducted a Workshop on the Computer and Language Teaching on 1st October, The workshop was jointly sponsored by the English Language Teaching Unit and the Senate Committee on Instructional Development. * The Department of Statistics organized: — a seminar on ‘Some Problems in Nonlinear Time Series' conducted by Professor M.B. Priestly of the Department of Mathematics, the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology on 12th October. — a lecture on ‘Asymptotic Approximations' by Dr. Kimiko O. Bowman of the Statistics Research Department, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A. on 15th October. — a lecture on ‘Two-Stage Estimation on Censored and Self-Selectivity Models' by Dr. Richard Y.C. Wong, Lecturer of Econ omics of this University on 22nd November. * Dr. Tadashi Sasaki, Senior Executive Vice- President of Sharp Corporation, Tokyo Branch, gave a talk on ‘A Review of Semiconductor Technology of Today and Tomorrow' on 17th October. The talk was presented by the Department of Electronics. * New Asia College and Yale-China Association jointly presented a talk on 'Women in the Work Place' on 18th October. * The Department of Philosophy presented the following lectures: — What Is So French in French Philosophy? — Michael Foucault and/in Contemporary Philosophy by Mr. Joel Thoraval on 22nd October. — Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy and ' Tru th ’ by Professor Chad Hansen of the University of Vermont on 25th October. * The Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies organized: (1) a conference on ‘Economic Laws of the People's Republic of China' on 26th and 27th October. It is the fourth of a series of conferences of the Project on Law and State-Building, which aims at studying the legal development in China since 1950. (2) two lectures in conjunction with the Institute o f Social Studies: ‘Theory and Application of Population Control' by Professor Yu Jingyuan and ‘Systems of Population Control Management' by Professor Yan Shanchang from Beijing Institute of Information and Control on 8th November. * The Birmingham and West Midlands Festival in Hong Kong and this University jointly sponsored a Biotechnology Symposium on 31st October and a Technology Seminar on 1st November. The Techno logy Seminar was held in two sessions: ‘Electronic Electrical Engineering' and ‘Automation and Numeri cal Control'. Eminent professors and scholars from univer sities in Birmingham/West Midlands and Hong Kong participated. Professor S.T. Chang, Professor of Biology, chaired the Biotechnology Symposium, and both sessions of the Technical Seminar were chaired by Dr. J.S.C. Wong of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic. * Dr. Harald B. Malmgren, President o fMalmgren, Inc., U.S.A. spoke on ‘Hong Kong's Role in the Inter national Trading Community before and after 1997’ on 2nd November. This was the second Li and Fung Lecture organized by the MBA Division of the Faculty of Business Administration. * Professor Mai Huasan, Professor of Calligraphy at Guangzhou Arts Academy and Visiting Scholar of United College, gave a public lecture on ‘Rubbings o f the Lan-Ting Preface and Its Importance in the History of Chinese Calligraphy' on 15th November. * New Asia College organized the following lectures: — ‘Historical Development o f the Logical Structure of Chinese Philosophy' and 'The Logical Structural System o f Chinese Philosophy and Its Characteristics' on 12th and 19th November respectively by Professor Zhang Liwen of the People's University in Beijing. Professor Zhang was the College's 28 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS
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