Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1998

Degrees Awarded Honorary Degrees Doctor of Laws, honoris causa 1 Doctor of Science, honoris causa 2 Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa 1 Higher Degrees Doctor of Medicine 5 Doctor of Philosophy 72 Master of Philosophy 270 Master of Arts 37 Master of Divinity 2 Master of Fine Arts 4 Master of Music 3 Master of Business Administration 125 Master of Education 78 Master of Nursing 17 Master of Science 21 Master of Architecture 36 Master of Social Work 11 681 First Degrees Bachelor of Arts 582 Bachelor of Business Administration 667 Bachelor of Education 198 Bachelor of Engineering 414 Bachelor of Medical Sciences 9 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 138 Bachelor of Nursing 80 Bachelor of Pharmacy 33 Bachelor of Science 714 Bachelor of Social Science 687 3,522