Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1998
Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute The theme of the symposium was T h e Molecular Basis of Oncology—A Meeting Point for Clinician and Scientist'. Over 10 cancer specialists f r om Ho ng Kong, Shanghai, the UK, an d the US spoke on cancer genetics, molecular carcinogenesis, novel diagnostic molecular biological applications, and molecular-based therapeutics. The guest speake r was Dr. Da v i d Sidransky, director of the Head and Neck Cancer Research Division, Cellular and Molecular Medicine; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who delivered a lecture on FromMicroscopes to Microsatellites: the Molecular Detection of Cancer'. Seminars on Translation Studies and Interpreting Eminent scholars, translators, and interpreters, both local and overseas, were invited to discuss the latest developments i n translation studies and interpreting at the t w o seminars. A t the first seminar, Prof. Susan Bassnett, pro-vice-chancellor at the University of Warwic k and professor at the Centre for British and Comparative Cultural Studies, spoke on Translation Research; Dr. Basil Ha t i m, reader i n translation and linguistics and director of the Graduate Programme i n English- Arabic Translation and Interpreting at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, discussed 'Communication and Translation', an d Prof. Douglas Robinson, associate professor of English at the University of Mississippi, gave a lecture entitled 'Where Are We Going ? Where Have We Been?'. Highlights of the second seminar included three lectures: ' Cu r r i c u l u m Design and Compilation of Teaching Materials for Interpretation Studies' by Prof. Yang Cheng-shu, director of the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studie s at the College of Foreign Languages, Fu Jen University, Taiwan; 'The Work of the Conference Interpreter i n the Globa l Village' by Ms. Elizabeth Pong Lam Shuk-lin , coordinator of Translation and Interpretation Service, The Municipalit y of Metropolitan Toronto; and Techniques of Consecutive Interpretation' b y Ms. L i ly King, Chief Chinese Language Officer, Putonghua Interpretation Section of the Official Languages Agency, Ho ng Kong.
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