Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994

PC compatible computer • hard disk • DOS 3.3 or above • Eten Chinese system (version 3.5 or above recommended) • any display monitor supported by the Eten system (this includes VGA, EGA and monochrome display) The first series of the CHANT Software of 12 titles will be published by the Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Ltd. in June 1994. The production of the entire software package is expected t o be completed by 1997. A New Era i n Sinology Study The publication of the concordance series in both book and electronic form is the culmination of years of hard work. A l l basic information will be at the fingertips o f the reader, who no longer has to spend hours on primary data collection, analysis, and comparison. The time saved can be used for work of a more intellectual nature. Table 3 Second Series of Concordances (16 titles in 14 volumes) 1. Zhouli 《周禮逐字索引》 2. Gulienuzhuan 《古列女傳逐字索引》 3. Yanzichunqiu 《晏子春秋逐字索引》 4. Wuyuechunqiu 《吳越春秋逐字索引》 5. Yuejueshu《越絕書逐字索引》 6. Hanguan Liuzhong 《漢官六種逐字索引》 7. Dongguanhanji《東觀漢記逐字索引》 8. Shangshudazhuan 《尙書大傳逐字索引》 9. Chunqiufanlu 《春秋繁露逐字索引》 10. Shanhaijing 《山海經》 11. Mutianzizhuan 《穆天子傳》 12. Yandanzi《燕丹子逐字索引》 13. L ü shichunqiu 《呂氏春秋逐字索引》 14. Yili《儀禮逐字索引》 15. Xinshu 《新書逐字索引》 16. Yantielun《鹽鐵論逐字索引》 Prof. D.C. Lau read Chinese at the University of Hong Kong and philosophy in Scotland. He taught Chinese and Chinese philosophy at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London before he came hack to Hong Kong to take up the chair of Chinese language and literature at The Chinese University in 1978. Prof. Lau retired in 1989, and is now emeritus professor of Chinese language and literature, and honorary professor as well as adviser at the Institute of Chinese Studies. Prof. Lau has published translations of Chinese classics. He is known for his contributions in the fields of Chinese language studies and comparative philosophy. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by this university in 1975, and the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by the University of Hong Kong in 1989. DR. Chen Fong-ching graduated from Harvard and obtained his Ph.D. degree at Brandeis. He started his academic career in the Physics Department of The Chinese University as lecturer in 1966, and took up the post of University Secretary in 1980. Six years later he was appointed director of the Institute of Chinese Studies. DR. Chen's academic interests extend well beyond high polymer physics to literature, history, philosophy, and modem China. The project team and the friuts of their labour in book and electronic form. From left: Mr. Ho Che Wah, Dr. F.C. Chen, Prof. D.C. Lau and Mr. Ho Kwok Kit Research Projects 16