Bulletin No. 1, 2014

6   Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2014 Seven Exhibition Zones Located at the main entrance of the University Library, the University Gallery is divided into seven exhibition zones, namely, ‘Milestones Through the Decades’, ‘Modest Beginnings’, ‘Whole-person Education’, ‘Explorations and Innovations’, ‘Bringing Together China and the West’, ‘Roots in China, Eye on the World’, and ‘CU50  •  The People’. Professor Leung indicated that the gallery illustrates not only the history of CUHK, but also its education philosophy which includes features such as bilingual education and general education; Chinese studies; service to the community; and contribution to research. The committee soon faced new challenges—funding and spatial limitation. ‘The committee is indebted to the T.S. Kwok Foundation for its generous support for the establishment of the gallery. We invited senior alumni, retired professors, former directors of museum and librarian—Mr. Heung Shu- fai , Mr. Ho Man-sum , Prof. Ng Lun Ngai-ha , Prof. Joseph S.P. Ting , Ms. Alima S.F. Tuet —to be members of the committee. We sincerely thank them for sharing their extensive knowledge of CUHK’s history and their experiences in curating,’ said Professor Hui. The gallery employs modern technology in its exhibitions. Visitors can make use of tablet PCs to select video clips to play on a screen, or read documents via multi-touch tables, among other things. Professor Leung said, ‘Showing the content electronically increases the exhibiting capacity of the galler y, which compensates for spatial limitations. It also becomes a characteristic of the gallery.’