Bulletin Summer 1989
include a ' ma i n' admissions exercise in wh i ch decisions on selection are made by the two universities at the end of the applicant's Secondary 6 year: firm offers by CUHK for admission in the same calendar year; and conditional offers by H KU for admission in the following year, conditional upon the applicant achieving specified A-Level results. For those who receive no such offers, a 'clearing' exercise w i ll be conducted at the end of their Secondary 7 year to consider their eligibility when A-Level examination results are known. The scheme w i l l enable students to make well-informed choices of universities and degree courses and make application procedures convenient to applicants by allowing them to apply to both universities at the same time, using the same form. The two universities have issued a letter to all principals of local secondary schools operating the sixth form to explain the new admission procedures and to seek their views on certain operational aspects of the scheme. The two universities believe that the JAS offers the widest choice of degree curricula to students in their Secondary 6 year. It is hoped that the JAS can also be adapted eventually to cover other tertiary institutions if they so wish. With the introduction of the JAS, The C U H K w i l l stop ope r a t i ng the Provisional Acceptance Scheme. University Offers New Programmes Intercalated Degree Programme in Medical Sciences The Senate has approved the proposal to launch an Intercalated Degree Programme in Med i cal Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine from 1989-90. The new programme aims at enabling those brilliant medical students who have the inclination and capability for medical research to acquire greater working knowledge and experience in this regard. Students may apply for admission to this programme after satisfactory completion of the Pre-clinical Programme, subject to Senate approval of their intended concurrent registration. It is intended that the programme w i ll lead to the degree of Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSc). However, before University Statute 26 is amended to include such a new degree, the Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Sciences will be awarded. Part-time Degree Programme in Biology-Chemistry The Senate has approved the introduction of a new Part-time Degree Programme in B i o l og y- Chemistry with only first-year entry in 1990-91. The programme aims at offering teaching and technical staff in educational institutions, government laboratories and the industrial and commercial sectors an opportunity to study two science subjects at the same time. Reorganization of Faculty of Business Administration The teaching units of the Faculty of Business Administration have been reorganized f r om 1st August, 1989. In the reorganized structure, the three original departments have been divided into six departments. In cooperation with these departments, the two boards of studies established at an earlier stage conduct the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes respectively. The reorganized units and their chairmen are as follows: Department Department of Accountancy: Dr. Danny S.N. Wong Department of Finance: Dr. Elbert Shih Department of International Business: Professor Mun Kin-chok Department of Marketing: Dr. Lee Kam-hon Department of Organization and Management: Dr. Nyaw Mee-kau Department of Operations and Systems Management: Dr. Tuan Chyau Board of Studies Board of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. Nyaw Mee-kau Board of Graduate Studies: Dr. Lee Kam-hon Planning and Implementation Committee for Architecture A Planning and Implementation Committee for Architecture has been established to make preparation for the introduction of a Department of Architecture from 1991-92. The main duties of the committee are to design the new bachelor programme/curriculum in architecture and prepare development proposals for the 1991-94 triennium, taking advice from the Architecture Academic Advisory Committee and to assist in the recruitment of teachers for the programme. The membership of the committee is as follows: Chairman: Professor S.W. Tam Members: Mr. Vincent W.S. Chen (co-opted) Dean of Faculty of Social Science (ex-officio) Registrar (ex-officio) 8
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