Bulletin Number One 1984
PROFILES Dr. K U A N Hsin-Chi Dr. NG Lee Ming NEW DEANS OF FACULTIES D r. KU AN Hsin-Chi Dean o f Social Science Dr. Kuan Hsin-Chi joined the United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as Lecturer in Government and Public Administration in 1973, and was promoted to Senior Lecturership in 1981. In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Kuan is a core participant and leadership figure in social science research at the University. He had been Director of the Public Affairs Research Centre. In 1982, sub sequent upon the reorganization of the social science research units at the University, Dr. Kuan was appointed Director of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies and remained in that post since then. Dr. Kuan obtained a LLB degree from the National Chengchi University in 1963. He then travelled to West Germany for further study, and was awarded an MA degree by the Free University of Berlin. Thereafter he studied at the University of Munich, where he obtained his PhD degree in 1972. Dr. Kuan has wide-ranging interests and know ledge. During his stay in West Germany, he applied himself to Western political philosophy and the international relations of Western states, especially those of the Federal Republic of Germany. After he returned to Hong Kong, his intellectual interests became even more diversified. Aside from conducting research on the political institutions of Hong Kong, Dr. Kuan pays particular attention to the develop ment of legal institutions in China. Dr. Kuan has also done substantial work on the ombudsman as a general political phenomenon, especially its role in promoting justice in the bureaucratic society. Dr. Kuan has a stable, mild and amicable personality. He is noted for his fairness in dealing with people and business. He is both a respected and popular figure among his social science colleagues. He evinces proficiency and selflessness in academic administration and research promotion, and for this he is widely acclaimed. His election to the Deanship in the Faculty of Social Science attests to his recognition by his colleagues at the University. —S.K.L . Dr. NG Lee Ming Dean o f A r t s Dr. Ng Lee Ming graduated from International Christian University, Tokyo with a BA degree. He pursued further studies at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he obtained the degrees of BD , ThM and ThD. Dr. Ng specializes in the history of Christian Churches in China. Christianity and Change o f Society in China, his main publication, is an important reference for students of the history of Christianity in China. Dr. Ng joined the Department of Religion of the University in 1970. Apart from teaching, he has rich experience in University administration. He was Registrar of Chung Chi College, Associate Director of International Asian Studies Programme, and has been Chairman of the Religion Department since 1980, and Chairman of the Hostels Committee of Chung Chi College for two years. Dr. Ng is a man of principle. He is well-known for his efficiency in administration and is a con scientious teacher, winning the respect of his students. 14 PROFILES
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