Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996
own production. An extra spurt of life was provided in the autumn of 1988 with the birth of the Shaw College Drama Society, which followed the founding of Shaw College. To allow the society to orient itself, the competition was suspended for a year. It resumed with new vigour in 1989 and involved four colleges for the first time. Sir Run Run Shaw Hall has since cooperated with the four drama societies to organize the competition on an annual basis, with sponsorship from the dean of students' offices in the colleges. Impact Beyond the Colleg e Gat e Over the past 15 years, Chinese University graduates have pervaded the ranks of the professional stage, the mass media, art administration, and advertising. Their performance in Hong Kong amateur theatre has moreover been highly commendable : Long, Fung and Partners and the New Asia Drama Club, formed by alumni of the New Asia Drama Society, received awards for best performance and outstanding overall performance in the 1995 Urban Council Drama Competition ; Dramaholics, formed in November 1995 by alumni of the United College Drama Society, put on a fund-raising performance i n Sir Run Run Shaw Hall ; and Nonsense Maker, whose members are drawn from the University's graduates, completed its 13th production in December 1995 at the Cultural Centre with support from the Arts Development Council. Some of the most well-known figures in the dramatic arts in Hong Kong today were active participants in intercollegiate and intervarsity drama back in the sixties. For them and for others, the intercollegiate drama competition has been more than another ite m under the worn-ou t term 'extracurricular activity ': i thas been the starting point of a career, and a means to enjoy and transcend everyday life. • Result s of the 199 5 Intercollegiate Drama Competition Best Performance Awardee New Asia College Drama Society Piece Farewell Evening Outstanding Director Awardee Nickal Ho and Janet Lok, New Asia College Drama Society Piece Farewell Evening Outstanding Actor/Actress Awardees 1 Li Yuk Ki, New Asia College Drama Society, as Monica 2 Carol Liu, Shaw College Drama Society, as Ah Fei 3 Ng Ying Cheung, United College Drama Society, as Ah Chung Outstanding Stage Effects Awardee Chung Chi College Drama Society Piece Enigma II Outstanding Original Script Awardee Shadow Lung, Shaw College Drama Society Piece In the Wake of the Wind Backstage Heroes Awardee United College Drama Society Piece Spring Snow Members of the Chung Chi College Drama Society Carol Liu, winner of Outstanding Actor/Actress Prize 17
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