Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1992

from China to undertake research and training in ophthalmology. (8) From the Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund: (a) HK$48,000 annually to provide 12 bur saries of $4,000 each to be awarded to needy students; and (b) HK$75,000 for setting up a student cam pus work scheme in 1992-93. (9) From the Incorporated Trustees of the Wah Kiu Yat Po Fund for the Relief of Underprivileged Children HK$50 , 000 annually to provide five scholarships o f $10,000 each, four for under graduate students of journalism and communi cation, and one for an M.Phil, student in com munication. (10) From the Italian University for Foreigners at Perugia L itl,300 ,000 to provide two scholar ships o f Lit650,000 each for students to pursue short-term studies at the Italian University for Foreigners at Perugia in summer of 1992. (11) From the L i Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Committee: (a) HK$99,000 to provide three scholarships of $33,000 each for full-time postgraduates in 1992-93; and (b) HK$ 120,000 to provide 12 scholarships of $10,000 each for full-time undergraduates in 1992-93. (12) From Mr. Ng Kong-ping, Albert HK$24 , 000 annually to provide a scholarship for an out standing student o f the faculties of arts, busi ness administration, science, and social science on a rotational basis. (13) From Soma International Ltd. HK$20 , 000 an nually to provide a number of loans to needy students. (14) From Astra Pharmaceuticals (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$125,000 to the Department o f Sur gery for research and educational pur poses; and (b) HK$25,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department o f Medicine to attend an international conference in USA. (15) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation Ltd.: (a) HK$96,000 to support a research pro ject on Shang oracle bones undertaken by Prof. Jao Tsung-i of the Institute of Chinese Studies; (b) HK$60,000 to support a research project on Guangdong calligraphers of the Ming and Qing dynasties undertaken by the A rt Gallery; and (c) HK$47,100 for the recruitment o f a tech nical staff in the Centre fo r Chinese Archaeology and A rt for six months. (16) From Cerebo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. S$40 , 000 to the Department o f Biochemistry for research under the supervision of Prof. Y.C. Kong. (17) From Ms. Chan Chor Tuen HK$100 , 000 to the Department o f Surgery for educational and research purposes. (18) From M r. 張彬 HK$ 1,000 to the Department of Community and Family Medicine for research purposes. (19) From Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for Inter national Scholarly Exchange: (a) US$209,487 to support a research project undertaken by the Institute of Chinese Studies; and (b) US$25,000 to the Universities Service Centre to support the Chinese newspaper m icrofilm project. (20) From the fo llow in g donors contributions towards the Perinatology Research Fund of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: (a) M r. Sam Chung Kwok Wai and Mrs. Georgiana Chik Sau Chu HK$ 1,000; (b) Mr. Stanley Jacobson HK$500; (c) Mr. W illiam E. Mocatta and Mrs. Heather M. Mocatta HK$200; (d) M r. Freed Lawrence Bennett HK$100; and (e) M r. Jack Rosenfeld and Ms. Lana Rosenfeld HK$100. (21) From Ginseng Board o f W isconsin, Inc. HK$50,000 to support a research project on the chemical differentiation o f American and oriental ginsengs undertaken by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. (22) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$22,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of M icro biology; (b) HK$19 , 282 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Clinical Oncology to attend the American Society o f Clinical Oncology Meeting in USA; and GIFTSANDDONATIONS -25