Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1992
Profiles D r. Waiman Cheung Le c tu re r in Operations and Systems Management Dr. Waiman Cheung graduated BS from National Taiwan University, majoring in civil engineering. He fur thered his studies in manage ment information systems at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti tute in USA, where he earned his MBA degree, and later his Ph.D. degree in decision sciences and engineering systems. Before joining this university as lecturer in operations and systems management, Dr. Cheung worked as an information system technical consult ant for the New York Social Services Department, and as a technical analyst for the Oracle Corporation. Dr. Cheung is a member of the IEEE Com puter Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. His research interests cover information modelling and integration, global query system, and production management information systems. D r. Lee Sing Sen io r L e c tu r e r in P s y c h i atry Dr. Lee Sing has main tained a strong interest in the study o f the manifest and latent aspects of human behaviour since he was a student of St. Louis Boys' Secondary School, Hong Kong. He graduated MB BS from the University of Hong Kong in 1984, and worked as a medical officer in Castle Peak Hospital for more than a year before he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1986 as lecturer in psychiatry. He became a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) in 1989. Dr. Lee is involved in teaching behavioural and psychiatric medicine, and other general education courses for non-medical students. He also provides psychiatric training for postgraduates. His clinical sub specialty is general adult psychiatry, and he is pre sently running the first outpatient lithium clinic for manic depressive patients in Hong Kong. His research interests cover both biological psychiatry and ethno psychiatry, including in particular the cultural aspects of eating disorder and the use of lithium therapy to treat Chinese patients in Hong Kong. He has pub lished over 50 articles and abstracts in international journals. Dr. Lee is an Aquarian, an audiophile, and is single. M r. Raymond Leung Yu Chiu Assistant Secretary, Person nel Section Mr. Raymond Leung read English at the U n i versity of Hong Kong and worked fo r a year at the Mongkok D is tric t O ffice upon graduation in 1978. He then joined the government's Labour Department in 1979, and worked in various divisions of the department for 13 years , gaining ex perience in a wide spectrum of subspecialties such as employee benefits, labour relations, employees' com pensation and industrial safety. Mr. Leung also served as conciliator in labour disputes and participated in surveys and research in labour legislation. He was promoted to labour officer in 1984. Before joining The Chinese University in Feb ruary 1992 as assistant secretary of the Personnel Section, Mr. Leung completed an MA course in com parative Asia studies in 1983, and obtained his post graduate Diploma in Management Studies in 1989. He has recently completed a distance MBA course run by the University of Strathclyde, UK. M r. Leung is married, w ith two young daughters. PROFILES ■23
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