Bulletin Summer 1989
Marrow Transplant Fund of the Department of Paediatrics: (a) Mr. Chan King Sing HK$2,000; (b) Mrs. Cheng Jung Pin HK$2,000,000; (c) Mr. Liu Shing Keung HK$50,000; (d) McDonald's Restaurants (Hong Kong) Ltd. HK$560,600; and (e) Nonpas RAF Sek Kong HK$10,930.30. (12) From Miss Chung Chi Fang HK$440,000 for the cancer research fund of the Faculty of Medicine to purchase equ i pment f or research in gynaecological oncology. (13) From Glaxo (Hong Kong) Ltd. HK$10,000 for purchasing IgE assay kits for a project jointly undertaken by the Departments of Chemical Pathology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. (14) From Mr. D.R. Henson HK$200 for research purposes in the Department of Chemical Pathology. (15) F r om Hong Ko ng Society of D i ges t i ve Endoscopy HK$40,000 for the GI research undertaken by the Department of Medicine. (16) From Janssen Cilag to the Department of Medicine: (a) HK$78,000 for neurological education and research; and (b) HK$15,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend a scientific meeting in Adelaide, Australia in May 1989. (17) From Lee Foundation, Singapore a further donation of HK$138,700 for the Overseas Chinese Archives of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. (18) From Li Chung Shing Tong (Holdings) Ltd. HK$100,000 for the instrumental analysis of herbs undertaken by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. (19) From Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.: (a) US$131,500 for a study undertaken by the Department of Medicine; and (b) HK$15,000 for an international surgical symposium to be organized by the Department of Surgery in December 1989. (20) From Bangkok M I RCEN HK$7,778 for a research project undertaken by the Department of Biology. (21) F r om M i l u pa AG Representative Of f i ce HK$40,000 for a research project undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics. (22) From Nutricia (Asia) Ltd. HK$150,000 for a Cow & Gate research project undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics. (23) From Roche Asian Research Foundation: (a) a further donation of HK$42,000 for a research project undertaken by the Department of Community and Family Medicine; and (b) HK$3,550 for the monthly seminars organized by the Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research. (24) From Squibb (Far East) Ltd. HK$20,000 for research purposes in the Department of Medicine. (25) From Universal Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. HK$1,200 for identification tests undertaken by the Department of Pharmacology. (26) From W.L. Gore & Associates (Far East) Ltd. HK$10,000 for research and academic activities i n the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. (27) From 3M Far East Ltd. HK$3,630 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Surgery to visit the 3M Far East Ltd. Headquarters in the United States in February 1989. (28) From BASF China Ltd. HK$1,000 for the 1989 German Summer Intensive Courses organized by the German Studies Section. (29) From Bayer China Co., Ltd. HK$2,000 for the monthly seminars organized by the Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research. (30) From Edward Keller Ltd.: (a) HK$1,500 for the monthly seminars organized by the Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research; (b) HK$2,000 for postgraduate educational activities organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; and (c) an additional SECA personal scale for the Department of Paediatrics. (31) From Globechem (HK) Ltd. HK$5,880 for postgraduate educational activities organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (32) From Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (HK) Ltd. HK$5,000 for a lecture organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (33) F r om Chia Hs in Founda t i on, Ta i wan HK$60,000 for a conference to be organized by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies in 21
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