Bulletin Summer 1989
medicine at Ox f o rd University Medical School, Radcliffe Infirmary, receiving his B M BCh in 1977. During this period he received a scholarship from L EPRA Founda t i on to pursue studies in drug compliance amongst leprosy patients. Following a year of internship at Oxford and London, he received postgraduate training in the speciality of anaesthesia and intensive care in Gloucestershire Royal Infirmary and B r i s t ol Royal I n f i rma r y, and obtained his FFARCS (Eng), and MA (Oxon). In 1980, he received a scholarship to be research fellow in anaesthesia for three years in Bristol University, where he developed a t e c hn i que f or the measu r ement of plasma catecholamines as an index of stress during anaesthetic and surgical procedures. Following a period of training in cardio-thoracic and paediatric anaesthesia in Bristol, he obtained the Diploma of Higher Professional Training from the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has been invited as a guest speaker at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Green Postgraduate College of Oxford University, Bristol University, as well as the Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong. In 1985, he joined The Chinese University as lecturer in anaesthesia, and was promoted to senior lecturer in anaesthesia and intensive care in 1989. His clinical interests have centred around different aspects of anaesthesia, especially cardio-thoracic anaesthesia. He is at present director of the operating theatres in Prince of Wales Hospital and has been the coordinator of cardiac anaesthesia since October 1988 when the Open Heart Surgical Programme first started. In addition to studies on dapsone compliance, his research interests have included high performance l i qu id chromatography of catecholamines, proportional feedback control of drug infusion, and cardio-pulmonary perfusion. He served for three years as Honorary Treasurer to the Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong and is currently Assistant Honorary Treasurer of the society. He is convinced of the need for overseas Chinese specialists to contribute to tertiary education in Hong Kong during uncertain times. Outside of the University, his interests include his family, music, and photography. He is also a member of the Church Council, St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon. Dr. Chung-Chi Hsu Lecturer, Department of Electronics Dr. Chung-Chi Hsu graduated from National Taiwan University in 1976, majoring in electrical engineering, and received his MSEE degree from Purdue University in 1979. He then worked for Xerox Palo Alto research centre as a research i n t e rn u n t i l 1980 , and went on with his do c t o r al study i n the University of Utah f r om 1981 to 1985. I n 1985, he j o i n ed Lasertron Inc., working on organometallic vapour phase epitaxy for long wavelength laser development. He went back to Taiwan in 1987 and joined Material Research Laboratories. Dr. Hsu came to Hong Kong in early 1989 to take up the post of lecturer at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Shiu-Pang E. Almberg Lecturer, Department of Translation B o r n i n Ma c ao and raised in Hong Kong, Dr. Shiu-Pang E. Almberg received her first degree (BA honours in English) from the University of Hong Kong, where she also read European literature and studied the Romanization of Putonghua. Years later, as a delegate from the Swedish National Board of Education, she visited Beijing and completed with distinction a special Chinese course for teachers. Her doctoral degree (PhD in Sinology) was conferred by the University of Stockholm, where she also pursued studies i n edu c a t i on, Swed i sh language and Scandinavian literature. Her published doctoral dissertation The Poetry of Chen Jingrong: a Modern Chinese Woman Poet is 'the most comprehensive monograph ever written in any Western language about a Chinese poet living today' and it contains 200 of the author's English renditions of Chen's poems. Prior to joining the University, Dr. Almberg taught English at the University of Hong Kong and Chinese at the University of Stockholm. She has also been a translator for Radio and Television Sweden and the Trade Council of Sweden. In addition, she has served as an interpreter on many occasions for cultural exchange between Sweden and China. Dr. Almberg is a member of the European Association of Chinese Studies, the Association of Chinese Scholars in Europe 19
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