Bulletin No. 2, 2021

Greater Expectations : CUHK's vision and action in the Greater Bay Area 5 Dating back as early as 2006, CUHK became the first university in Hong Kong to establish a comprehensive presence in the GBA, successfully founding the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since then, CUHK has continuously played a pivotal role in turbocharging the betterment of higher education in the Bay Area, ranging from building educational platforms and refining established infrastructure to signing an array of Memoranda of Understanding and collaboration agreements, achieving substantial results in basic research, talent cultivation, technological innovation and entrepreneurship, to name but a few accomplishments. Harnessing its academic excellence and proven scientific research and development capabilities, CUHK has now yielded evidential rewards in its engagement in the GBA. It is, therefore, high time to share with everyone the fruits of our labour. This issue of Chinese University Bulletin proudly presents to you the achievements and progress that CUHK has made in the GBA over the past 15 years. Through the stories of administrators, researchers and various members of the CUHK community, we will take you onto a journey to witness their tasks and travails, challenges and triumphs in this exciting and vibrant region.