Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013

Until all the University's constituent Colleges, which are fairly scattered over Hong Kong, are moved to Shatin, intercollegiate teaching will involve a lot of travelling time for both the teachers and the students. Timetable planning also poses a host of problems for the College Registries. An effort, therefore, is being made to solve these problems by using electornic means of communication. The obvious solution is of course close-circuit television, but, as a studio would have to be set up, this would involve rather heavy expenditure. As an interim measure, the University Registrar, who is concurrently Director of the School of Education, hopes to find a substitute in the amplified telephone system. This system has been used in certain areas of the United States for some time, and good results seem to have been achieved by Stephens College, Colum- bia, Missouri. On March 7, 1967, the first experiment was conducted in United College between the College main building in Bonham Road and the Science Building in Caine Lane, about three quarters of a mile apart, A lecturer taught in the main building to a class assembled in the Science Building over an amplified telephone system. Radio Hong Kong generously supplied the necessary equipment, which also made it possible for the class to ask the unseen lecturer questions. The Hong Kong Telephone Company contributed to the experiment by allowing the University to hire the necessary casual lines. The result of the experiment justifies a repetition over a longer distance. NEW COURSES IN ELECTRONICS Volumn Three • ]une 1967 • Number Eleven T o meet the urgent and increasing demand by the Hong Kong industries for personnel specially trained in electronics, United College will institute a minor course in Electronics with effect from the academic year 1967-68. Its existing Department of Physics has been re-named Department of Physics and Elect- ronics. Earlier this year, Professor A.L, Cullen, O.B.E ., D.Sc. (Eng.), F.I.E.E., Head of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the Uni- versity of Sheffield and an authority in this field, was invited by the University to advise on the planning of electronic studies. The curriculum and syllabus of electronic courses at United College have been care- fully drawn up with Professor Culien's expert advice, and in consultation with leading local industrialists. The minor course in Electronics will be open to all Physics students of the University. At a later stage, when additional equipment and facilities become available, the course may be opened to all Science students. Depending on the experience gained during the trien- nium 1967-70, it is envisaged that a separate Department of Electronics may be established in the academic year 1970-71 to offer major courses in Electronics, A Readership in Electronics has been created by the University and assigned to United College to develop and coordinate Electronic studies. INSTITUTE OF CHINESE STUDIES ESTABLISHED Volumn Four ‧ November 1967 ‧ Number Two The University has established the Institute of Chinese Studies with eight Divisions, namely, (1) Early, (2) Mediaeval and (3) Modern History, (4) Relations with South East Asia, (5) Chinese Linguistics and Literature, (6) Chinese Philosophy and Intellectual History, (7) Contemporary Studies, and (8) Special Projects. The main function of the Institute is to initiate and carry out research projects in fields relating to Chinese Studies, Several projects already have been initiated, and the Institute Journal is expected to be published in June, 1968. The establishment of the Institute is financed by donations, and the Asia Foundation made a generous grant towards the expenditure of the Institute until the middle of 1968 , by which time additional support is expected to conic from other outside sources. The Institute operates under the Acting Director- ship of Dr. Clioh-Ming Li, the Vice-Chancellor, with Dr. S.S. Hsueh as the Assistant Director and a Faculty Board as the advisory body. There is also an editorial committee charged with the responsibility of editing the Institute Journal and recommending manuscripts for University publication. The Institute, while entirely concerned with research, is intimately related to the programme of graduate studies. 11