Bulletin No. 1, 2014
Culture—Its Creation, Preservation and Promotion 21 Mr. Pang Man-lung of SRRSH has been operating the 16/35 mm film projector for over two decades host public forums on the approaches employed and messages relayed after a film is shown. This deepens viewers’ understanding and enhances their appreciation of film. ‘We organize workshops from time to time on Kunqu, puppetry, harmonica playing, poetry and modern dance, etc. Participating students are taught about the origin of the art, style and techniques. They are excited by what they learn and have a greater capacity for appreciation.’ Starting from 2009, the office has launched the Student Cultural Ambassador Scheme to provide subsidy for students to watch performances and to create a platform for sharing their cultural experiences. The office also invites artists and critics to give talks from time to time. A total of 800 students participated in the 2013–14 scheme. Ms. Chung pointed out that the next step is to enhance exchange among CUHK students, local and overseas students, and art troupes. ‘In 2011, we subsidized the CU Drama Podium to participate in a college student drama festival in Beijing. Last year, we hosted the Cultural Exchange in Drama. The University of Macau was invited to perform with CUHK students on campus. This year, with “city” as the theme, the event was joined by Shenzhen University.’ She emphasized that what they do is sowing seeds in the arts. Thus the target audience of SRRSH programmes and events is not only CUHK students, but everyone in Hong Kong.
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