A New Era Begins 1975-78
by his academic colleagues and by student leaders, and is personally committed to the enduring goals of The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, as described in Section I. His administration will no doubt exploit to the full all the potentialities of growth i n the new era for The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is perhaps not out of place here to quote the conclusion of Vice- Chancellor Ma's installation speech: “It is indeed a formidable yet challenging task. There is an old saying which goes, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’, and another proverb says, 'A good beginning is halfway to success'. As the University has confidently made its first step forward, we shal l steadfastly continue the journey which is so well begun." Vice-Chancellor Ma Lin with Dr. Choh-Ming L i after the installation ceremony on 2nd October, 1978 96
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