Bulletin No. 2, 2011

Connecting Academia and Industry   13  University and the industry. ‘The industry gets first-hand information of CUHK’s innovations. Potential projects may be selected for further development. The industry also gets free consultancy services on technical issues. All these help to promote knowledge transfer. The industry is competing for talent and COIN provides a channel for selecting engineering students for employment in the future. It’s also a platform for collecting client feedback and opinion, providing incentive for CUHK researchers to work on topics of relevance to society.’ Since COIN’s inception, positive feedback have been received from the industry. There is close to 100 registered members and the number is still growing. Though sponsorship from the KTPF lasted a year, the Faculty will keep running COIN to expand its membership and open up more possible fields for research. Inspired by COIN, another project has been launched to strengthen industrial links. Professor Wong said, ‘We have collected quite a lot of industry contacts over the past. To make use of the information, and with the support of the KTPF, we are now setting up the Database for Industrial Contacts for use by University members at large.’ Radio-frequency Radiation Research Laboratory Prof. Yung Pun-to Douglas