Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
簡 介 Introduction 李國章教援獲大學校董會委任, 於一九九六年八月一 日 起 ,出任 本校 第 四任校長,領導大學過政 九七,道向新紀元,作全方位的 發展。二零零二年七月,李校長 向校董會請辭,並於同年入月獲 香港特別行政區行政長 官 委任為 教育統籌局局長,在一個全新的 層面繼續為香港的教育界服務。 個人背景 李國章敎授生於香港,原籍廣東鶴山。 李 氏 家 族 自 內 地 移 居 香 港 , 至 李 敎授 已是第四代。李敎授十六歲自香港聖保 羅男女中學畢業後負笈英倫,先後肄業 於 U p p i n g h a m S c h o o l 、劍橋大學 英皇學院,及倫敦 M i d d l e s ex Hospita l Medical School 。 李敎授很早已立志從醫,他於劍橋先攻 讀自然科學課程,為日後習醫打下堅實 Prof. Ar t hur K.C. L i was appointed by the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to be the f our th vice- chancellor of the University f rom 1st August 1996. He was entrusted w i t h the important task of leading the University through the 1997 transition to scale new heights i n the 21st century. After serving as vice-chancellor for six years, Prof. L i resigned f r om the University i n July 2002 to take up the post of Secretary for Education and Manpower of the HKSAR f rom 1st August of the same year, and to continue to serve the educational community of Hong Kong i n that capacity. Personal Background Prof. L i wa s bor n int o th e fourt h generatio n o f a n established Hon g Kon g family wit h a strong tradition o f public service . H e ha d a classical Chines e upbringin g 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 2
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