Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
中國大學校長聯誼會於 一九九七年十一月成立 The inauguration of the Association of Universit y Presidents o f China i n November 199 7 李校長在本校駐北大聯絡處開幕典禮上致辭(一九九八年) Prof. Arthur K.C. Li a t the opening ceremon y of CUHK's liaiso n office in Beijing (1998 ) 李校長在大學校長論壇上發言 Prof. Arthur K.C . Li speakin g at the Vice- Chancellors' an d Presidents' Foru m 中大於一九九九年四月主辦大學校長論壇,四十七所全球著名學府之校長聚集校 園 ,探討全球高等敎育發展。 The heads of 47 prestigious universities fro m across the world gathered at CUHK i n April 199 9 for the Vice-Chancellors' an d Presidents' Forum on Global Tertiary Education Development . 任內大學重要發展 Majo r Development s o f the Universit y 1996-200 2 17
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