Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
口成立中醫中藥研究所(二零零零年) The Institut e of Chinese Medicine wa s established i n 2000 t o poo l expertis e i n different facultie s for interdisciplinar y researc h i n Chines e medicine . •設立架構支持科技轉移 校方於一九九七年通過一套關於專利及特許使用權的明確準則,並將硏究事務處擴展為硏究及 科技事務處,統籌校內的硏究及科技轉移活動的行政工作。一九九九年於工程學院成立創新科 技中心,協助把該院敎師開發的新技術轉移至工商業。 The Universit y approve d a set of guidelines o n patent s and licensin g i n 1997 , expanded th e Research Administration Offic e int o a new Researc h and Technology Administration Offic e to co - ordinate th e administration o f researc h and technology transfe r activities, and se t up a Centre fo r Innovation an d Technology unde r the Facult y of Engineerin g i n 199 9 t o hel p transfer ne w technologies develope d b y teachers of the faculty t o industrie s and businesses . 口兩項研究計劃當選全港卓越學科領域 由中大敎硏人員主導的「植物與真菌生物科技」及「中醫中藥硏究與發展」兩項硏究,獲敎資會 選為全港卓越學科領域(現時全港只有六項)並給予巨額資助。除上述兩項外,中大亦合作參 與另外兩項卓越學科領域的硏究工作。 Of the first si x Areas of Excellenc e (AoE ) selected for funding suppor t b y the Universit y Grant s Committee, tw o ar e le d by CUHK staff , viz 'Plan t and Funga l Biotechnology ' an d 'Chines e Medicine Researc h and Furthe r Development' . Two othe r AoE projects involv e CUHK researcher s as major collaborators . 口獲香港研究資助局評為「卓越」之研究計劃數量為八所大學之冠 During the period the Universit y produce d th e mos t project s with a n 'excellent ' ratin g by the Hong Kon g Research Grant s Counci l amon g all UGC-funde d institutions . 李國章校長與中科院院長 路甬祥敎授攝於聯合實驗 室的成立典禮上 Prof. Arthur L i posin g wit h Prof. Lu Yong-xiang (right ) of the Chinese Academy o f Sciences at the inauguratio n ceremony o f the Join t Laboratory fo r Geoinformation Scienc e o n 28th August 199 7 任內大學重要發展 Majo r Development s o f the Universit y 1996-200 2 13
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