Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2003

O F PHOENIX LINEAGE Mr. To Kwok-wai Mr. Chung King-fai Mr. Ko Tin-lung The director of the play was Mr. Ch u ng King-fai, H o ng Kong's television and performing arts celebrity. The executive director was Mr. Ko Tin-lung, famous director, actor, and producer as we ll as director of Ch u ng Ying Theatre Company. The script consultant was Ho ng Kong's top script writer Mr. To Kwo k - wa i. The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty has a l o ng theatrical tradition and many of its alumni are luminaries of the local stage. Participating i n this production were we l l - k nown names such as K.B. Chan, P r i man Lee, Lo Ha u -ma n, Ca rmen K o on Mee - y u, Fu ng Luk-tak, Cheung Ping-kuen, Patrick Pak Yiu-charn, Lina Yan Hau-yee, A u Yin-man, Jo Ngai, Erica Li, and many more. Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2003 20