Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2003
I Multiple Sides of Weight Loss (8th October) D r. Francis Chow Chun - c hung Honorary clinical associate professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Prof. Wong Wi n g - k in Professor, Department of Paediatrics Prof. Lee Sing Director, Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre Obesity is a worldwide problem. Overweight people are more prone to stroke and diseases of the heart and kidney, and other chronic conditions. Staff from the Faculty of Medicine discussed different aspects of the problem and appropriate ways of treatment. Medical experts point out that a lifestyle of high stress and little exercise could be the reason Hong Kong people are gaining weight. I The Effects of Educational Reform on the Public (13th October) Prof. John C.K. Lee Dean of education, professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Tsang W i n g - kwo ng Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy, associate director of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research Ms. Lou i sa Cheung Yuet-sai Project manager, the Centre for University and School Partnership Ms. Fung Yuk-yi Head of school, TWGH Sin Chu Wan Primary School Ms. Yip Sau - wah Head of school, Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School The lecture took the f o rm of a seminar w i t h the speakers analysing the effects of educational reform using approaches based on their own experience. The speakers examine the effects of curriculum design on learning, and the impact of both the medium of instruction policy and the system ofschool space allocation on parental choice and school development. Theyalso discuss the challenges posed by educational reform to schools, the relationship between education policy and school management, between parental involvement and curriculum development, and the dilemma faced by schools in the implementation of different policies. Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2003 18
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