Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1998
of Accountancy. (147) From Lee Hysan Foundation L i m i t e d HK$406,027 to support the China pathology programme organized b y the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology. (148) From Micromas s UK Ltd. HK$4,940 to support the summer school for Chinese chemical pathologists organized b y the Department of Chemical Pathology in Hong Kong in August 1997. (149) From Monsanto Far East Ltd. HK$30,000 to sponsor a staff member of th e Department of Medicine and Therapeutics to attend the national meeting of the American College of Rheumatology in Washington DC, USA, in November 1997. (150) From Overseas Chinese Studies Foundation Ltd. HK$200,000 to support an academic conference on the relations between Taiwan and mainland China organized by the Overseas Chinese Archives of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies in Hong Kong in December 1997. (151) From Pharmacia & Up j o hn Asia Ltd. HK$13,500 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics to attend the congress of the A S E AN Federation of Endocrine Societies i n Singapore in December 1997. (152) F r om Projec t Co n c e rn H o n g K o n g HK$186,698 to sponsor the recruitment of a clinical t u t o r in the De p a r t me nt of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences from August to November 1997. (153) From Roche Hong Kong Ltd. HK$35,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Paediatrics to attend a meeting of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology in Istanbul, Turkey, in September 1997. (154) From the following donors t o support the Chinese orthopaedic surgeons advanced course organized by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in Hong Kong in November 1997: a. S h a n g h a i J o h n s on & J o h n s on Pharmaceuticals Ltd . HK$30,000; b. Smith & Nephew Ltd. HK$30,000; c. Un i t ed Orthopaedic Co r p o r a t i on HK$23,166; and d. Zuellig Pharma Ltd. HK$20,000. (155) From Shell Hong Kong Limited HK$3,458 for contribution to a University fund under the Affinity Card Programme from Apri l to September 1997. (156) From the Sino-British Fellowship Trust: a. HK$19,594.50 for the vice-chancellor's discretionary fund in 1997-98; and b. HK$130,630 for academic exchanges w i th institutions on the mainland in 1997-98. (157) From Stryker China Ltd. HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend the collaborative gynaecologica l endoscopy workshop in Shanghai in October 1997. (158) From Mr. Kumiko Tai HK$30 0 for the Adult Blood Cancer Fund of the Department of Clinical Oncology. (159) From Thomas H.C. Cheung Foundation Ltd. HK$500,000 for research and general purposes of the Institute of Chinese Studies at the discretion of the director of the institute. (160) From various donors HK$3,400 towards The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Fund. (161) From various donors HK$8,450 for The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Trail. (162) From various donors gifts and donations totalling HK$2,700,790.88 to Chung Chi College from April to September 1997. (163) From W i n s o r Education F o u n d a t i o n HK$278,000 for awarding a number of student loans to needy students in 1997-98. (164) From K.C. Wong Education Foundation HK$15,000 to sponsor Prof. Yan Bu Ke of Peking University to visit the Department of History in December 1997. (165) From Wyeth (H.K.) Limited : a. to the Department of Clinical Oncology HK$17,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend the international brachy- therapy conference in Los Angeles, USA, in September 1997; and b. to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology HK$42,928 to sponsor a staff member to attend the FIGO world congress of gynaecology and obstetrics in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 1997. (166) From Y.C. Woo & Co., Ltd. HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Surgery to attend the annual meeting of the International Continence Society and the international enuresis symposium in Japan in September 1997. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 1998 60
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