Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2003
A Proud Member of CUHK My classmates and I (left 2) were standing in front of the torch of Chung Chi's athletic meet back in the 1960s. Prof. Lai Hon-ming, who entered Chung Chi to study physics in 1963, was a member of the University's first graduating class. He then furthered his studies overseas and returned to teach at his alma mater after obtaining his Ph.D. in 1974. He has been a teacher in the Department of Physics ever since. ‘Although the three colleges were located in different parts of the territory, we could feel the University's presence with Ma Liu Shui train station being renamed University Station and the introduction of inter-collegiate programmes. I had classes in the city with students from New As ia and Un i t ed every Monday and Saturday. ‘ In the Un i v e r s i t y 's earliest days, we could swim at the Ma Liu Shiu beach. But as the water quality was compromised by construction projects, we turned to rowing. ‘I didn't get a chance to witness the moving of New Asia and United College to the Sha Tin campus in the early 1970s, as I had left for studies overseas after graduating. When I returned, the University already had a sizeable campus, significant teaching and research capabilities, and a great number of departments and programmes. Of course the Department of Physics had also expanded. Its facilities had been renewed and the standard of its teaching and research enhanced. ‘Student life is carefree. Life as a teacher is also good but has its fair share of disappoint- ments. My greatest disappointment over the years is the shortening of the undergraduate c u r r i c u l um f r om f our years to three. I remember h ow we protested outside the Legislative Council. ‘As head of the physics department, I experienced many significant changes in the department, which left a deep impression on me. The University's function is to nurture talent, engage i n research, and serve the community. The Chinese University's history has been one of advancement and excellence, as highlighted by the anniversary slogan. Its achievements are there for every one to see. ‘As the Un i v e r s i ty expands, its staff experience increased work pressure. Society has also become increasingly utilitarian. Campus culture has also undergone change, which may be perplexing at times. I think the University should improve communication w i th its staff to strengthen their sense of belonging. With the gradual waning of the uniqueness of the CUHK i den t i ty and the increasing influence of globalization, it's time for us to rethink our role and reposition ourselves.' ‘This campus is where I spent my student days and close to 30 years of my career as a teacher. I feel very lucky to be here and I 'm proud of being its member,' said Prof. Lai. 40th Anniversary Celebrations 5
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