Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
性聯盟,就是這種探討的初步結果。 … … 我 深 信 中 大 是 有 足 夠 的 潛 力,去取得更大的發展的,中大人也 是有遠大的抱負和廣闊的胸襟的。 如今我乘車經過中大校門,間中 仍會記起第一次參觀中大的情景。四 十年了,未來的四十年裡,這個校園 又會有怎樣的一番變化呢? •但願我們都可以再活上四十年,不時 回 去 看 看 ! 十 分 多 謝 你 撥 空 接 受訪 問,李敎授。 1998. The underlying philosophy of my ide a was one that would benefi t highe r education i n Hong Kong as a whole. The signing of the strategic alliance with th e University o f Scienc e an d Technology i n 199 9 wa s the preliminar y resul t of suc h investigation . I firmly believ e tha t The Chines e Universit y ha s the potentia l fo r muc h more . Th e expansivenes s o f its vision an d th e tallnes s o f it s ambition ar e share d by al l member s o f this great university . Now when I drive past the University , sometime s I still remembe r the first time I laid eyes on it s campus. It's bee n 40 years . I would sur e lik e to kno w wha t i t will loo k lik e i n anothe r 4 0 years' time . • I do hop e w e al l liv e lon g enoug h t o se e that day . Thank you s o much fo r talking to us , Professor Li . 情見乎詞 Ou r Immediat e Pas t Vice-Chancello r 55
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