Calendar 2007–08
434 Part 8 • Staff List Part 8 Office of University General Education Director of University General Education Cheung, Chan Fai 張燦輝 , BA, MPhil (CUHK); Dr.phil. (Freib.) Associate Directors Chan, Sau Yan 陳守仁 , BA (CUHK); MA, PhD (Pitt.) Leung, Mei Yee 梁美儀 , BA (CUHK); CertFrenchLang (Paris III); MHist, DipAdvStud, Docteur-en-Histoire (Paris I) Visiting Professor Chen, Tien Chi 陳天機 , ScB (Brown); MA, PhD (Duke); FIEEE; MACM; FHKCS Assistant Registrar Tsuei, So Shan Susanna 崔素珊 , BSocSc, PCEd (HK) Leadership Development Section Director of Leadership Development Programme Cheung, Chan Fai 張燦輝 , BA, MPhil (CUHK); Dr.phil. (Freib.) Module Directors Leung, Mei Yee 梁美儀 , BA (CUHK); CertFrenchLang (Paris III); MHist, DipAdvStud, Docteur-en-Histoire (Paris I) (Ethical and Aesthetic Education) Ng, Wing Cheung William 吳永祥 , BSocSc, MPhil (HK); MSc (Hull); Chartered Occupational Psychologist (Leadership Potential — 2006 Entry) Szeto Nguan, Mary Ming Hiang 司徒阮明瑄 , BBS; BA, BEd (Dal.); MA (Alta.) (Leadership Potential — 2007 Entry) Tsao, King Kwun 曹景鈞 , BA (CUHK); BA (UC, Santa Cruz); MA, PhD (Chic.) (Civic Education) Research Centre for General Education Director Cheung, Chan Fai 張燦輝 , BA, MPhil (CUHK); Dr.phil. (Freib.) Associate Director Leung, Mei Yee 梁美儀 , BA (CUHK); CertFrenchLang (Paris III); MHist, DipAdvStud, Docteur-en-Histoire (Paris I) Office of Summer Programmes Director Cheung, Wai Hung Gordon 張偉雄 , BBA (CUHK); PhD (Virg. Polytech. Inst. & State Univ.)
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