Annual Report 1996-97
社會科學院重要發展 一、建築學系獲香港建築師學會及英聯邦建築師協會全面認可其課程,而其專業建築課程亦誕生首批建築 碩士。 二、經濟學系舉辦計量經濟學會遠東會議,為香港歷來最大規模的國際經濟學會議,兩位諾貝爾得獎人 Prof. Robert Lucas 及 Prof. Lawrenc e Klein 在會上作專題演講。 三、地理系舉辦地理信息系統在空間人口分析和區域經濟發展中的應用國際硏討會。 四、政治與行政學系參與舉辦中國的公共部門管理改革國際硏討會。 五、新聞與傳播學系開設社會科學碩士(傳播)課程。 六、心理學系與北京大學心理學系簽訂硏究及學術交流協議。 Major Event s in th e Facult yo f Social Scienc e 1. Th e Hong Kong Institute o f Architects a n d th e Commonwealth Association o f Architects granted full professional accreditation t o th e p r o g r a mme offered b y th e Department o f Architecture, w h o se professional programm e also produced th e first batch o f M.Arch. graduates i n 1997 . 2. Th e Department o f Economics organized th e Fa r Eastern Meeting o f th e Econometric Society, th e largest international conference fo r professional economists ever held i n Hong Kong. Nobel Laureates Profs Robert Lucas a n d Lawrence Klein delivered lectures a t th e meeting. 3. Th e Department o f Geography organized a n international workshop o n GI S in Spatial Population Analysis and Regional Economic Development. 4. Th e Department o f Government an d Public Administration took part i n organizing th e International Conference in Public Sector Management Reform i n China. 5. Th e Department o f Journalism an d Communication introduced a n M.S.Sc. programme i n communication. 6. Th e Department o f Psychology signed a n agreement fo r collaborative research an d academic exchange with the Department o f Psychology a t Peking University. Prof. Lawrence Klein 在計量經濟學會遠東會議上講話 Prof. Lawrence Klein speaking at the Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society 首 屆 建 築 頓 士 畢 業 作 品展 The first batchofM. Arch, graduates displaying their work at the graduation show 31 Academi c Developmen t
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