Calendar 2010–11
124 Part 3 • Academic Units and University Extensions Part 3 General Education The General Education Programme is designed to broaden the interests of students, give them a wider perspective, and cultivate in them the ability to understand the major issues of contemporary life. The challenge of rational inquiry and discussion is also emphasized. These courses are an important part of university education. The General Education Programme is composed of University and College General Education courses. The University General Education courses are coordinated by the Office of University General Education, while the Colleges tailor their courses to their cultural backgrounds and educational ideals. Office of University General Education Director: Prof. Cheung Chan-fai 2609 7075/7563 6 2603 5398 8 Centre for East Asian Studies Director: Prof. Billy K.L. So 3163 4392 6 2994 3105 8 Undergraduate Programme Bachelor of Arts Programme in Chinese Studies Postgraduate Programmes Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Chinese Studies Master of Arts Programme in Chinese Studies Master of Philosophy Programme in Chinese Studies Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) Director: Prof. Carmel M. McNaught 2609 6201 6 2603 6804 8 n ' * ' * • • • • ' *
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