Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999
Technology Transfer Act ivi t ies at CUHK Technology transfer refers to the transfer to the c ommun i ty I of ideas, inventions, technologies, methods and processes developed i n the University, w i t h a v i ew to exploiting these commercially. It gives incentives and direction to applied research; i t gives relevance and v i t a l i ty to teaching i n related subjects ; students too ma y be i nvo l ved i n applied research that is d r i ven b y the goal of eventual commercialization . Technology transfer is i n fact an integral part of the University's function—by bringing novel products and processes to society, it discharges its responsibility i n service. Te c h n o l o g y t r ans f er a c t i v i t i e s at C U H K have increase d dramatically over the last few years, bringing recognition t o many outstanding researchers, p r o v i d i ng incentives for them to wo r k on topics of relevance to society, and sometimes generatin g income to support R& D activities. I n this issue the Bulletin introduces readers to University policies and strategies for promoting and encouraging technology transfer, and some success stories (see pages 6 to 17). 2
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