Bulletin No. 2, 2016
From Cyber to Hyper 5 Some of the new MOOCs to be launched from 2017 • ‘Doing Business in China’ specialization: Selling to Chinese Consumers, China Strategy and Entrepreneurship (Coursera) • Basic Modeling of Discrete Optimization (Coursera) • ‘Becoming a Health Needs Assessment Specialist in Emergencies’ specialization: Public Health Management in Natural Disasters, Climate Change, Human Health and Sustainable Development, Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, and Health Environmental Hazards and Public Health Responses (Coursera) • Information Theory (CNMOOC) • The Beauty of Kunqu Opera (CNMOOC) • The Sphere Project and Sphere Standard— Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (CNMOOC) • Training on Health and Disaster Preparedness in Rural China (CNMOOC) Tilling the E-soil The Universit y has consistently built up it s e -learning capabilit y since the last decade. Efforts and resources are continuously dedicated to strengthening its technical and pedagogical support systems, quality assurance mechanisms, and offering grants to enable the academic staff to innovate their pedagogies by creating a host of micro-modules and exploring a wider adoption of flipped-classroom pedagogy. Technological infrastructure is also strengthened, as in the chroma - key s tudi o and l ear ning technology studio conducive to scenario filming and courseware development for micro-module production. Full Wi-Fi accessibility has been extended to all classrooms on campus since 2016, offering teachers and students the convenience of access to e-learning materials and use of real-time classroom communication system such as uReply to exchange ideas. The emphasis given by University management can be seen from the establishment of the eLearning Task Force, co-chaired by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Benjamin W. Wah , Provost. The Task Force will steer the development of micro-modules for campus-wide use (MMCU) and MOOCs, organize e-learning training, and initiate pedagogical research. Different grant schemes such as the Micro-Module Courseware Development Grants (MMCDGS) are offered to encourage courseware production and e-learning pedagogy research. Educators Flipped Learners To familiarize faculty members with the adoption of technology-enabled resources for e-learning, the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) organizes technical and tailor-made training from time to time. ‘Before the semester begins, we will show the newly arrived teachers the basics of Blackboard Learn, a learning management system (LMS). We will also offer specific training to departments upon request,’ said Ms. Carol Chiu , head of the Academic Support Services of ITSC. ‘If the teachers hope to explore ideas or softwares for their e-learning initiatives, we’ll be pleased to give them advice and even prepare some mock- up models,’ added Ms. Judy Lo , team leader of on the same topics, and concentrate on addressing the learners’ challenges posted on online forums.’ Professor Poon believes that engaging contents, passionate teachers and good teamwork are essential ingredients for quality MOOCs to foster active participation and better completion rate online, and we are ready for newer and greater challenges. ‘Our teachers are gaining experience in delivering courses to culturally diverse learners, who might not have prior knowledge in the subject matter. With a better understanding o f t he na tu r e o f MOOCs , we cou l d o f fe r pedagogical advice to teachers from facilitating online discussions to designing a more feasible assessment mode suitable for MOOCs.’ ‘ The videos are better than live lectures as I can pause and rewind as many times as I need. The ‘Information Theory’ class is by far one of the most arduous and longest courses I have taken. I’m glad that I’ve made it! ’ a CUHK MOOC participant from San Francisco
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