Annual Report 1996-97
一九九六至九七年度財務摘要 F i nanc i al Hi gh l i gh ts 1996-97 next triennium. Total general expenditure.for th e year increased b y a moderate 5. 6 pe r cent. Expenditure in th e academic departments wa s stabilized at about 74 pe r cent of th e University's total annual operating budget. Expenditure fo r administration wa s kept below 6 pe r cent o f th e budget. Anticipating a reduction in government funding in th e next triennium, th e University initiated re - engineering processes in 1996-97 t o prepare fo r th e financial challenges in th e year ahead. A ne w (SAP) accounting system was also launched on 1 st July 1996. The overall result has been satisfactory and further system improvements ar e being planned. As part of th e overall management review in th e University, an outside consultant would be engaged to review th e University Bursary an d provide a n independent assessment o f it s efficiency an d effectiveness. Th e results o f th e review ar e expected t o improve th e resource-allocation-decision process an d the University's control systems. 85 Donations , Finance s an d Account s
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