Annual Report 1997-98
學術會議 而本年度在中大校園舉行的眾多國際會議、研討會和工作坊,大大促 進了學術及文化的交流,造就了新知識的傳播。會議議題包羅萬有, 涵蓋海洋科學與科技、中國人種誌、地球信息科學、癌症早期診斷 及治療、性別與亞洲發展、神經科學、文化評論、翻譯及傳譯、亞洲 敎育、兒童及青少年精神健康、市場學研究,以及資訊科技敎育。 Academic Conferences To enhanc e scholarshi p an d promot e cultura l exchange , numerous internationa l conferences , seminars , an d workshops wer e hel d o n campu s i n th e cours e o f th e year . Major theme s include d marin e scienc e an d technology , ethnography i n China , geoinformatio n science , th e earl y diagnosis an d treatmen t o f cancer , gende r an d development i n Asia , neuroscience , cultura l criticism , translation an d interpreting , educatio n i n Asia , chil d an d adolescent menta l health , researc h i n marketing , an d information technolog y i n education . (上) 大學舉辦「禽流感對香港之影響」遠程醫療會議, 與美國疾病控制及預防中心、世界衛生組織, 以及比利時一家流感疫苗製造廠,共同探討 禽流感病毒的影響,和可行的預防措施。 (中)大學贊助舉辦「世界數學家及組合數學家大會」, 共有三百五十多名來自二十多個國家的著名數學家出席。 (下 ) 大學舉辦首屆香港皮膚病學及性病學研討會, 討論有關皮膚病與本港愛滋病的情況及治療方法。 (Above) A teleconference linking up experts from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, the World Health Organization, and the Smithkline Beecham Biological Services in Belgium to discuss the global implications of the avian influenza virus H5N1 and possible control measures (Middle) The Internatioal Congres s in Algebras and Combinatorics 1997 sponsored b y th e Universit y attracts some 35 0 mathematician s from more tha n 2 0 countries aroun d th e world . (Below) Hon g Kong' s firs t symposiu m o n dermatolog y and venereolog y t o tackl e issue s suc h a s skin problem s and th e managemen t o f HI V i n th e territor y The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report Academic Development 21
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