Annual Report 1996-97
敎育學院重要發展 一、學院與史丹福大學「躍進學校計劃國家中心」合作,在香港三間中小學推行「躍進學校計劃」—一個 整合而有系統的學校改革計劃,強調盡展參與者的長處以及開發學校和社區的發展潛力,從而提供優 質敎育,使學校的表現有所增值。 二、學院與內地高等院校合作舉辦多個大型會議及講座,取得良好成果。 • 一九九六年十二月在北京師範大學舉辦 SPSS/LISREL 講座,參加者逾二百人,包括各重點大學的敎 授及專硏人員。 • 一九九七年四、五月在華中師範大學舉辦中國高校心理輔導敎師培訓班,參加者約一百八十人, 包括來自八十三所重點大學的敎師及學生服務專才。 • 一九九七年五月在深圳大學舉辦全國會議,探討「中國敎育面臨的挑戰與選擇——內地與香港敎 育的共同發展」,有五十八名國家敎育決策者及敎育學者參加。 三、學院與香港敎育硏究所舉辦一連串公開論壇,回應敎統會第七號報告書及敎委會九年強廹敎育檢討報 告書之重要敎育政策建議,讓敎育決策者、學者及前線工作者交流心得。部分文稿於會後以專著形式 出版。 四、學院與香港敎育硏究所和新雅中國語文研習所合辦敎育專業普通話課程,培訓普通話科敎師及普通話 課程發展專才,並為擬採用普通話作為敎學語言的學校培訓師資。 Majo rEvent s i n th e Facult yo f Educatio n 1. Th e faculty launched a n Accelerated Schools Project i n three primary an d secondary schools in Hong Kong i n collaboration with th e National Center fo r Accelerated Schools Project o f Stanford University. Initiated b y Stanford University in 1986, the project adopts a comprehensive approach designed t o improve schooling fo r a large number o f children. I t i s introduced t o Hong Kong t o help schools with average students t o become accelerated schools, wherein th e whole community i s involved i n providing quality education fo r al l students. 2. A number o f conferences an d workshops were organized jointly with academic institutions i n mainland China. • A national workshop o n SPSS/LISREL was held a t Beijing Normal University i n December 1996, attracting some 200 scholars from major Chinese universities. • A national workshop o n counselling wa s held a t Central China Normal University i n April an d Ma y 1997, providing training fo r 180 serving teachers and scholars from 8 3 prestigious Chinese universities. • A national conference o n 'Challenges a n d Choice i n Chinese Education; Th e Shared Educational Development o f the Mainland and Hong Kong' was held a t Shenzhen University i n May 1997. Over 50 senior educational officials an d scholars i n mainland China attended. 3. The faculty and th e Hong Kong Institute o f EducationalResearch organized a series o f open forums o n critical educational issues i n Hong Kong i n response t o the Education Commission Report No. 7 and th e Board o f Education Report o n th e Review o f Nine-year C omp u l s o ry Education. Policy-makers a n d educationists exchanged views and occasional papers wer e subsequently published. 4. A new certificate course i n Putonghua i n education was jointlyoffered with th e Hong Kong Institute o f Educational Research an d th e New Asia Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre t o train teachers an d specialists fo r the teaching o fPutonghua i n primary and secondary schools and t o prepare teachers fo r using Putonghua a s a medium o f instruction. 公 開 論 壇 : 九 年 強 迫 敎 育 的 檢討 A publicforum to review nine-yearcompulsory education 27 Academi c Developmen t
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