Annual Report 1994-95
3 4 服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 頒發富蘭克林獎章和保亞科學成就獎 ,又獲德雷克塞爾大學頒授榮譽理學博士學位;丘成 桐教授則榮獲瑞典皇家科學院頒發克拉福特數學大獎。 I n 1994-95, t he Un i v e r s i t y 's f a c u l ty a nd staff s u p p o r t ed ma ny i n t e r n a t i o n al organizations a nd academic institutions w i t h their expertise i n my r i ad ways. These diverse institutions include the United Nations, the International Diabetes Federation, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, the Ame r i c an A c c o u n t i ng Association, the State University of N ew Yo rk at Buffalo, the Chinese Ac a d emy of Sciences, the Academia Sinica i n Taiwan, Pe k i ng University, a nd the National University of Singapore. University members served the above bodies in various capacities — as members o n special boards a nd committees, as journal editors a nd referees, as external examiners of degree examinations, a nd as project advisers a nd consultants. To enhance scholarship an d p r omo te cultural exchange, numerous international conferences, seminars and wo r k s hops we re he ld on the campus i n the course of the year. Major themes ranged f r om the latest technologies in cancer treatment, biochemical treatment of wastewater, n ew developments in lightwave, wireless a nd n e t w o r k i ng technologies, to Asian social psychology studies and general education in East Asia. The Un i v e r s i ty also p l a y ed host to the Wo r ld Comp u t er Chess Ch amp i o n s h ip a nd the International Summer Piano Institute, both of w h i ch took place for the first time in Asia. During the year, eminent faculty members were honoured by different international bodies for their outstanding academic achievements. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Charles K. Kao was a p p o i n t ed H o n o r a ry Professor b y b o t h Pe k i ng University a nd T s i n g h ua University. Britain's Bell-Northern Research named a n ew laboratory after Prof. Kao and his research collaborator, Prof. George Ho c k h am, i n recognition of their p i o n e e r i ng contributions to fibre optic communications. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ambrose Y. C. K i ng was elected a Fellow by the Academia Sinica in Taiwan. University Distinguished Professor-at-Large Prof. Ch e n - n i ng Ya ng was thrice h o n o u r ed — he r e c e i v ed the Benjamin Franklin Medal f r om the American Philosophical Society, the B ower Aw a rd f r om the F r a n k l in Institute i n the Un i t ed States a nd an h o n o r a ry Do c t or of Science degree f r om Drexel University. The director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Yau Shing Tung, was awa r ded the Crafoord Prize by the Swedish A c a d emy of Sciences. 服務香港 O n t h e L o c a l S c e ne 是年不少中大教職員爲本地眾多的機構和組織服務,包括香港學術評審局、香港考試 局、研究資助局、教育署、職業訓練局、工業及科技發展局、醫院管理局、中醫藥籌備委 員會、香港康體發展局及香港藝術發展局等。 中大及其成員書院亦分別主辦傑出教授或學人訪問計劃,邀請世界知名學者訪校,主 持公開講座及硏討會,以促進學術交流。過去一年應邀來訪的著名學者包括諾貝爾獎得主 Prof. Richard R. Ernst 及 Prof. Douglass No r t h, 數學大師 Sir Michael Atiyah 及陳省身教 授,著名神經網絡系統專家 P r o f . Stephen Grossberg 及 Prof. Gail Carpenter ,分子遺傳學
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