Annual Report 2012–13
Gaudeamus Igitur – Let Us Rejoice! 9 Concluding Thoughts The Golden Jubilee is ongoing, and a number of major events will take place towards the end of 2013. I wish to take the opportunity here to offer my most heartfelt thanks to all the colleagues, alumni and students who have played their vital parts in the planning, coordinating and the staging of the festivities, and to applaud them for the success that has been achieved. When the trumpet blasts are over, and when the music is brought low, we will continue our task with renewed resolve, putting our trust in the support of everyone in the CUHK family and the community at large. December 2013 卷尾語 金禧校慶正如火如荼進行,許多重要活動 都會在 2013 年底舉行。參與策劃、協調和 舉辦這些慶祝活動的同事、校友和學生, 厥功甚偉,深得各方讚賞,我藉此向他們致 以由衷感謝。號角聲停歇,音樂聲沉寂之 後,我們會憑着煥發的決心,繼續履行我們 的任務,並深信中大和社會人士都會予以 支持。 2013 年 12 月
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