Your Voices on 2-factor Authentication to Be Implemented for ALL Staff & Students @Issue 182

In view of the rise of cyberattacks, the University is planning to implement 2-factor authentication (2FA) among all staff and students phase by phase.

Upgraded MyCUHK & CUSIS Coming in Mar2020@Issue 180

From early 2019, ITSC has been working with different administrative offices to prepare for the MyCUHK & CUSIS upgrade. Mark the date and the important events!

A Glance@Upgraded CUSIS Ready on 11 Mar 2020@Issue 181

As mentioned in Issue 180, an upgraded CUSIS will be available on 11 Mar 2020 (Wed).
We would like you to have a glance at the upgraded version…

Use Qualtrics (Pilot) to Conduct Online Survey@Issue 179

Having online surveys for your course, projects or society? Qualtrics can be your option!