
Hot Topic: How to Continue Your Work Securely during COVID-19 Pandemic:

Balancing personal and professional life is more challenging than ever before.

How to enable “safe enough while productive enough” for remote work?
How to protect our data security and personal data privacy?
How to move towards “new normal”?

In view of new challenges under work-from-home arrangement, we recommend the following best practices.


Online Meeting / Video Conferencing

More Reference from PCPD:


Expand the following tabs to see all information security best practices for different types of users:

Hot Topics

Top important good practices for general users:

Good practices for using electronic devices:

Good practices in daily life:

Step-by-step guidelines for general users:

External References:

Joint University Computer Centre (JUCC) Newsletters*:

*[Copyright Statement]:

All the above newsletters, unless otherwise stated, are the property of the Joint Universities Computer Centre (“JUCC”). Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

A single copy of the materials available through this document may be made, solely for personal, noncommercial use. Individuals must preserve any copyright or other notices contained in or associated with them. Users may not distribute such copies to others, whether or not in electronic form, whether or not for a charge or other consideration, without prior written consent of the copyright holder of the materials. Contact information for requests for permission to reproduce or distribute materials available through this document is: copyright@jucc.edu.hk, Joint Universities Computer Centre Limited (JUCC).



Actions for Vulnerabilities

Actions for Preventing Ransomware Variants

Guidelines to Make Your Systems More Secure

Good Practices for Technical Professional

Joint University Computer Centre (JUCC) Newsletters*:

*[Copyright Statement]:

All the above newsletters, unless otherwise stated, are the property of the Joint Universities Computer Centre (“JUCC”). Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

A single copy of the materials available through this document may be made, solely for personal, noncommercial use. Individuals must preserve any copyright or other notices contained in or associated with them. Users may not distribute such copies to others, whether or not in electronic form, whether or not for a charge or other consideration, without prior written consent of the copyright holder of the materials. Contact information for requests for permission to reproduce or distribute materials available through this document is: copyright@jucc.edu.hk, Joint Universities Computer Centre Limited (JUCC).