Annual Report 2012–13
Development Milestones 51 國際護理領導中心 那打素護理學院與加拿大英屬哥倫比亞 大學護理學院攜手成立「香港中文大學- 英屬哥倫比亞大學國際護理領導發展中 心」,為本港與鄰近地區培育護理領導人 才,開展相關研究及成立網絡領導資源中 心,以迎合對護理領袖的需求。 成立典禮在 2013 年 4 月 17 日舉行,那 打素護理學院院長李子芬教授和英屬 哥倫比亞大學護理學院院長 Suzanne Campbell 教授,在全國政協教科文衞體 委員會副主任黃潔夫教授、特區政府食物 及衞生局局長高永文醫生和沈祖堯校長 的見證下,簽署合作備忘錄。 胡秀英植物標本館 胡秀英植物標本館開幕典禮於 2013 年 5 月 22 日舉行。該館是已故中醫學榮譽講座 教授、生命科學學院名譽高級研究員胡 秀英教授生前建立,是全港收藏範圍最 豐富的植物標本館,共藏有約三萬八千份 植物標本。 現位於科學館的標本館,獲伍絜宜慈善 基金捐贈八百萬元支持,將致力發展各項 科研、教育及社會服務項目,包括收集和 保存香港本土的受保護植物、鑒定經濟 植物及藥用植物、數碼化現有館藏以建 立網上植物資料庫、建立訪客中心及網 站,以及舉辦各類教育課程、公開講座及 義工活動等,加深公眾對植物的認識。 International Centre on Nursing Leadership The CUHK–University of British Columbia (UBC) Inter-national Centre on Nursing Leadership held its inauguration ceremony on 17 April 2013. The centre is an initiative pioneered by the nursing schools of both universities as a breeding ground for nurse leaders to address the need for effective nurse leaders in Hong Kong and the neighbouring region. An internet leadership resource centre will be established to foster networking and collaboration. Prof. Diana Lee, director of the CUHK Nethersole School of Nursing, and Prof. Suzanne Campbell, director of the UBC School of Nursing, signed a memorandum of understanding, witnessed by Prof. Huang Jiefu, vice-chairman, Subcommittee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Dr. Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium The Shiu-Yiug Hu Herbarium was officially opened on 22 May 2013. Established by the late Prof. Hu Shiu-ying, honorary professor of Chinese medicine and honorary senior research fellow of the School of Life Sciences, the herbarium houses a collection of about 38,000 plant specimens, the most comprehensive in Hong Kong. Situated in the Science Centre, the herbarium is supported by a generous donation of HK$8 million by Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation. It promotes various research, education and social service programmes, including the collection and preservation of protected native flora, research on authentication of economic and medicinal plants, digitization of the existing collection to form an online botanical information database, establishment of a visitor centre and public website, as well as organization of courses, public lectures and volunteer programmes, with the aims of promoting botanical research and transferring knowledge to the community.
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