Annual Report 2012–13
Gaudeamus Igitur – Let Us Rejoice! 3 這本《香港中文大學年報》涵蓋的時間, 是截至2013年7月31日,我在撰寫此年報的 前言時,大學正舉行一浪接一浪的活動, 慶祝創校五十年。在校園舉行的慶祝活動, 自2013年起持續至年底,既有世界各地最 頂尖學者參與的嚴肅學術研討會,也有旨 在娛樂消閒的表演,活動之多,種類之盛, 前所未有。校園內每個人似乎都容光煥發, 我所見的每張臉都洋溢喜悅。是的,在此 慶祝金禧盛典之際,且讓我們同歡共樂。 以大學歷史而論,五十年不過是很短的時 間,但是,人們常把一百年視為圓滿的象 徵,是完整而連貫的周期,若是這樣,五十 這個剛好居其半的數字,意義就很特別了。 所以孔子在《論語》中說自己「五十而知天 命」,意思是到了五十歲,他對於自己的命 運、信念和未來,已有澄澈的領悟。在西方 的猶太教和基督教傳統裏,五十年屬於禧 年,禧年的英文字 jubilee ,其字源帶有「號 角聲」或「歡呼聲」之意,這兩個意義無疑 是相輔相成的。因此,中文大學踏入第五十 年,讓我們為過去的成就而欣忭,並大膽瞻 望未來,迎接前面的困難,履行「結合傳統 與現代,融會中國與西方」的使命。 As I was writing this preface to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report for the year ended 31 July 2013, the University was in the midst of waves of events celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation. Never have so many festivities been witnessed on our campus, and activities of every kind, from highly serious academic seminars drawing the most sophisticated scholars from the four corners of the globe, to down-to- earth performances that aimed for nothing above simple relaxation and general entertainment, have been ongoing since the beginning of 2013, and will last until the year is out. Everyone on campus seems to be aglow with joy, and every face I see is a vision of happiness. Yes, the golden jubilee is upon us, so let us rejoice! Fifty years is a very short span of time indeed as far as the history of universities goes, but, given the notion that the hundred is often perceived as a symbol of perfection, a cycle complete and coherent in itself, then the figure 50 takes on special significance as its median point, the centre of one’s journey towards fulfilment. Thus, in his Analects , Confucius declares that ‘at fifty I understand the Decree of Heaven’, meaning that, upon reaching 50 years of age, he harbours no further doubt about his destiny, his convictions, and the shape of the way forward. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition of the west, the 50th year is ordained to be a jubilee year, the word jubilee carrying an etymology of either ‘trumpet blasts’ or ‘shouts of joy’, two sources that certainly are mutually inclusive. So, as the Chinese University enters its 50th year, let us all be joyful for what we have achieved, and boldly look into the future and the challenges that lie ahead, seeking to bring our mission of ‘combining tradition with modernity, and bringing together China and the West’ to fruition. This report purports to be a comprehensive account of the academic and service activities of the University during the year under review, as well as the special celebratory events 嘉年良辰且盡歡 Gaudeamus Igitur Let Us Rejoice!
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