Annual Report 2019–20
86 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 榮譽院士委員會 Honorary Fellowship Committee 榮譽院士委員會負責向大學校董會推薦榮譽院士的 人選。 The Honorary Fellowship Committee is responsible for recommending to the Council candidates for the Honorary Fellowship. 風險管理委員會 Risk Management Committee 風險管理委員會負責制訂及檢討由大學校董會通過 的風險管理政策;監察及協調所有活動,旨在識別、 評估及緩減可能削弱或有利大學教育、研究、知識 轉移及社區參與之風險;制訂大學的風險管控表, 並最少每年向大學校董會報告。 The Risk Management Committee is responsible for formulating and keeping under review a risk management policy for approval by the Council, overseeing and coordinating all activities aimed at identifying, assessing and mitigating risks that may adversely or beneficially affect the University’s ability to achieve its objectives in education, research, knowledge transfer and community engagement, and developing a risk register at institutional level for report to the Council, at least annually. 教職員服務規則委員會 Terms of Service Committee 教職員服務規則委員會負責檢討薪酬水平等一般服 務條件,並向大學校董會提出建議;此外,該委員會 也根據校長或大學校董會指示,檢討個別教職員薪 酬之事宜。 The Terms of Service Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Council general conditions of service including levels of remuneration, and reviewing on matters concerning the remuneration of any individual member of staff referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or the Council. 大學投標管理委員會 University Tender Board 大學投標管理委員會負責審議經大學校園發展處 所建議各工程項目的標書,並就有關事宜向校長提 供意見。 The University Tender Board is responsible for considering tenders for capital projects recommended by the Campus Development Office, and advising the Vice-Chancellor thereon.
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