Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87
THE CHINES E UN I VERS I T Y O F HON G KON G INCOME A N D EXPEND I TUR E ACCOUN T FOR TH E YEA R ENDE D 3 0T H JUNE , 198 6 1985 INCOME $249,103,872 3,369,366 6,248,958 84,056,740 5,367,805 23,077,795 234,550 78,350 102,359 303,240 5,307,019 7,846,944 222,153 Government Subvention s — General Block Grant Reimbursement o f Rate s Home Purchase Scheme Faculty o f Medicine Part-time Degree Programmes Composition Fee s Certificate an d Graduation Fees School of Education Entrance Examination Fees Graduate School Entrance Examination Fees Undergraduate Admissio n Application Fees Bank Interes t Rental Income Miscellaneous $285,123,704 3,707,004 5,865,547 87,477,426 6,897,660 28,843,320 255,150 70,250 99,185 322,650 4,086,596 9,423,008 333,203 $385,319,151 $432,504,703 EXPENDITURE $ 32,334,72 4 248,590,232 39,941,726 10,266,312 17,458,327 29,629,117 3,003,506 100,000 Administration (Schedul e A) Academic Departments (Schedul e B) Maintenance o f Premises (Schedule C) General Educational Expenses (Schedule D) Student Facilitie s and Amenities (Schedule E) Miscellaneous Expense s (Schedule F) Minor Works Contingencies $ 36,921,11 0 285,724,121 45,899,354 12,440,699 19,652,921 29,335,987 1,283,006 100,000 $381,323,944 $431,357,198 $3,995,207 Excess of Income over Expenditur e Transferred t o Equalisation Account $1,147,505 174
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