Annual Report 2008–09

33 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 工程學院黃錦輝教授領導北京大學的科研 小組,成功申獲國家八六三計劃撥款人民 幣三百四十七萬,資助「無縫集成的關係— XML雙引擎數據庫管理系統研發」項目。 XML已成為網上顯示和交換的標準格式, 愈來愈多的應用系統採用該格式來發布和交 換資料。 Prof. K.F. Wong led a research team in Peking University to acquire funding support of RMB¥3.47 million from the National 863 Plan Project for the project entitled ‘A Seamlessly Integrated Relational and XML Twin Database Management System’. With the benefit of widespread Internet, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) has become a standard of data representation and data exchange. • 由物理系李泉教授及電子工程學系許建斌教 授領導的研究小組,首次揭示半導體納米線 的本徵鐵磁特性,為磁性半導體的發展邁出 了重要一步。相關結果發表於二零零九年八 月的國際權威期刊《自然 ‧ 納米技術》。 Led by Prof. Li Quan of the Physics Department and Prof. Xu Jianbin of the Electronic Engineering Department, a research team revealed for the first time intrinsic ferromagnetic characteristics in semiconducting. The study was published 黃錦輝教授 Prof. K.F. Wong 工程學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering 李泉教授 Prof. Li Quan 許建斌教授 Prof. Xu Jianbin cade ic Develop ent in an internationally-renowned journal, Nature Nanotechnology . The breakthrough opens up a new front in semiconductor physics and nanotechnology. • 工程學院四位教授榮獲國際權威專業學會推 選為院士:黃捷教授獲選為國際自動控制聯 合會院士、廖維新教授獲選為美國機械工程 師協會院士、劉雲輝教授及湯曉鷗教授獲選 為電機及電子工程師學會院士。 Four professors of the Faculty of Engineering were elected fellows of prestigious professional institutions for their contributions and achievements in research. Prof. Huang Jie was elected a Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Prof. Liao Wei-hsin was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Prof. Liu Yunhui and Prof. Tang Xiaoou were elected Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.