Annual Report 2008–09
25 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 副校長楊綱凱教授致送紀念品予院士講座 系列講者 Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, presents a souvenir to a speaker of the Lecture Series by Academicans CUHK joined hands with mainland partners to establish research units including: • CUHK–BGI Genome Research Centre • CUHK–Nankai Joint Research Centre of Social Policy • CUHK–Zhejiang University Joint Research Centre for Human Reproduction and Related Diseases • Joint Research Center for Automation Science and Engineering of CUHK and the South China University of Technology During the year, CUHK welcomed 152 delegations from the mainland and Taiwan. Some of the guests visiting CUHK included: • Prof. Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China • Prof. Zhu Shanlu, member of Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee and Secretary of Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee • Prof. Wu Qidi, Vice Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China • Prof. Gu Hailiang, President of Wuhan University • Prof. Huang Daren, President of Sun Yat-sen University On 16 December 2008, a total of 45 representatives from 10 mainland and local universities attended the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Association of University Presidents of China cum Presidents Forum held at CUHK under the theme ‘Towards Developing World- class Status for Research-intensive Universities in China’. The forum helped to enhance the linkage and facilitate views sharing among member universities. CUHK conducted 56 visits to mainland China to strengthen bonds with its strategic partners, including China Agricultural University, Jilin University, Jinan University, Nankai University, Peking University, South China University of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University and the Ministry of Education. The first Chinese Academy of Engineering Academicians Visitorship Programme and the second Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians Visitorship Programme were held on 26 September 2008 and from 23 to 28 February 2009 at CUHK respectively. The academicians visited CUHK and delivered the Lecture Series by Academicians. CUHK organized for the first time the Training Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in cooperation with the Ministry of Education from 16 to 21 November 2008. A total of 30 representatives attended the programme which was accomplished with great success and will be run annually. CUHK launched the second Summer Placement Programme for Mainland Postgraduate Students from 22 June to 16 August 2009. The programme was aimed at forging research collaboration between the mainland and Hong Kong, as well as facilitating exchanges between research students of the two places. A total of 26 research students from CUHK’s close mainland partners received eight weeks of research training at various CUHK departments. 中國大學校長聯誼會二零零八年會暨校長 論壇於十二月十六日在中大舉行,共有內 地與香港十所大學的四十五名代表參加, 主題為「中國研究型大學如何發展成為世 界一流大學」。聯誼會透過會議及學術論 壇,加強了會員大學之間的交流合作,提 升學術及科研水準。 中大代表是年度共出訪內地五十六次,加 強與內地策略夥伴的聯繫,往訪的院校及 部門計有中國農業大學、吉林大學、暨南 大學、南開大學、北京大學、華南理工大 學、中山大學及國家教育部等。 首屆中國工程院院士訪校計劃及第二屆中 國科學院院士訪校計劃分別於二零零八年 九月二十六日及二零零九年二月二十三至 二十八日舉行。兩院院士參訪中大並擔任 「院士講座系列」嘉賓,主持專題講座。 中大於二零零八年十一月十六至二十一日 首次與國家教育部舉辦「教育部屬下高校 對外交流人員赴港研討班」,吸引三十名 大學對外交流行政人員參加,反應良好, 計劃將每年舉行。 中大於二零零九年六月二十二日至八月 十六日,舉辦第二屆「內地研究生暑期研 究體驗計劃」,以推動兩地高校研究合 作,促進研究生交流,是年度共有二十六 名來自內地重點合作夥伴的高校研究生 獲安排到中大不同部門及科研單位研究 實習八周。
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