Annual Report 2008–09
21 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 課程檢討 按照「課程發展及檢討綜合架構」指引, 中大於二零零五年展開本科課程檢討,迄 今已檢討四十六個主修課程。高級學位修 課式課程檢討於二零零七至零八年度開 始,進度理想,至今已檢討十九個課程。 籌劃新學制 中大已制訂四年制新課程的綱要,新課程 將包括一組大學核心科目,涵蓋通識教育 二十一學分、英文九學分、中文六學分、 體育兩學分及資訊科技一學分。除了法學 士課程外,所有課程均要求一年級學生修 讀九學分的學院共修科目,以擴闊學生在 不同學科領域的知識。新課程亦包含研究 及實習機會。 雙學位課程/選擇 教務會於二零零六至零七年度核准開辦 雙學位課程,學生取得首個學位後,再修 讀一年自負盈虧課程,便可獲取第二個學 位。中大已開辦十一項雙學位課程/選擇, 並於是年度新開設兩項同期結業雙學位 課程及研究院課程。 been reviewed. The review of taught postgraduate programmes which began in 2007–08 was also in good progress. In the year under review, 19 programmes had been reviewed. Planning the New Curriculum The University has set up the proposed framework of the new four-year curriculum. The new curriculum will comprise a common University Core that includes 21 units of general education, 9 units of English language, 6 units of Chinese language, 2 units of physical education and 1 unit of information technology. To broaden students’ knowledge across different disciplines, a Faculty Package of 9 units will be included in the major requirements of all programmes except the LLB Programme. It is also a requirement in the new undergraduate curriculum to include research and internship opportunities. Double Degrees/Options Following the Senate’s approval of the implementation of double degrees in 2006–07, whereby a student is allowed to earn a second degree after one additional year of study on a self-financed basis, there have been up to 11 double degree programmes/options. Two co-terminal double degree programmes as well as postgraduate programmes were also introduced. . As a reflection of the University’s commitment to providing quality education, the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award has been given annually since 1999 to teachers in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance. In 2008, nine teachers were awarded. Their teaching experiences may differ, but their contributions in making the University a place of scholarly development and personal growth are the same. – ‘The greatest challenge is to approach teaching in such a way that all of my students can benefit from the process.’ —Prof. Cheng Chung-yi, Department of Philosophy ( 1st left ) – ‘I am most happy when students show the desire to understand both intellectual endeavours and people, including themselves.’ —Prof. Jessica Y.Y. Kwong, Department of Marketing ( 2nd left ) – ‘The most difficult part is determining how to handle individual differences within a class and tailor my teaching to a level that can be absorbed and understood by my students.’—Prof. Cheng Pui-wan, Department of Educational Psychology ( 3rd left ) – ‘A good teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires students to seek truth beyond tradition, definition and image.’ —Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering ( 4th left ) – ‘Teaching is not just about developing knowledge but also about helping develop a real interest in the knowledge.’ —Prof. Swati Jhaveri, Faculty of Law ( 5th right ) – ‘Teaching really comes from the heart! Teachers must be flexible and use creative strategies to accommodate students with varying learning abilities.’ —Prof. Shekhar Madhukar Kumta, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ( 4th right ) – ‘Teach students with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength, and learn from them while they learn from you.’ —Prof. Leung Kwok-nam, Department of Biochemistry ( 3rd right ) – ‘Be patient and listen to them for they are your students, who can also be your teachers.’ —Prof. Patrick Leung Wing-leung, Department of Psychology ( 2nd right ) – ‘With a mind eager to solve problems, anyone can enjoy the pleasure of study, and anyone can see the connection between knowledge and life.’ —Prof. Chow Po-chung, Department of Government and Public Administration ( 1st right )
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